On 6/15/07, Michael Madigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If these people

By that, you mean "us"

> could be infected with spam bots,
> wouldn't it make sense that they could be innoculated
> by a FBI anti-spambot program?

You seem to be assuming the the FBI could, with federal-wage workers,
or lowest-bid contractors, write a program that would be more clever
than every pimply--faced thirteen year old geek on the planet, as well
as their very good professional counterparts. And you want the FBI
doing this while they ought to be capturing criminals, too.

Such a program exists. It's called "Mac OS X." There's another one
called "Linux."

> Anyway, I wonder why contacting these people hadn't
> been done earlier given the fact that they know the
> originating IPs of the infected computers.

I tell you what: I'll give you the IP addresses of 30 million people,
and you look them up, get their ISPs to turn over their cusomer
records, and give them all a call. Can you have that done by 10 AM?
Mmm, yeah.

Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC

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