John wrote:
> You are right Bob. I guess, I just was over my daily quota of idiots!
> Liberals are a known commodity, and Ed is at the head of the crowd. It ticks
> me off, when twerps want to talk about how wrong the police are,
> particularly when they've probably never even defended themselves, much less
> others. Ed falls into that category believe dope and many other crimes
> should be legal, and everything the police do should be criminal. I'm sick
> of hearing how mean spirited the police are, especially when I think about
> the years of risking my life for the likes of Ed and his anarchist buddies.
> I've seen what these people do, and heard what they have to say. They need
> to go to one of those other "perfect" countries like Russia, where things
> are much, much better and the police treat people sooooo much better. 
> John

Johnny, Johnny, Johnny... I guess now Ed should act offended and tell
you that next time you need a ProFox forum you should ask a Nazi...
erhhh... repub to provide it. LOL

P.S.: The years you spent "risking my life for the likes of..." you were
paid and did because you liked the job. It's been paid in full, so don't
come begging for sympathy or a pat in your head.

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