On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 12:48 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Jesus is showing us not to use force to get our way.
> It's kind of convenient to base a whole doctrine on one scripture.  In this 
> case you missed the cleansing of the temple where the shysters were 
> physically chased from the premises.  You might also consider that when the 
> disciples were sent out after Jesus ministry was over, they were told to take 
> a sword.  How very violent in both cases.
> There were other cases, but that should get the thought process going.

Cleaning of the Temple, OK let's discuss that.

The force applied was to get attention of those around to see that the
place of worship was foremost a convenience store in it's time.  you
came into the temple and you have to have a sacrifice.  So you can buy
birds, goats, .... Now of course the Euro was not available and each
area in Judea as well as Israel had it's own currency.  So you had to
have the money changers so you could buy in Jerusalem.

All in all Jesus was there to show the Jewish leaders that the were
doing it wrong in the eyes of God.  They had corrupted the law to
verify that only they could comprehend it.  Sounds like our torte

Anyway did Jesus harm anyone, or destroy the merchandise for sale?  Or
did he create the show to get people to understand the point he was

Acts was written in the 70's and outside of "The Rock" Jesus didn't
say much.  ;)  He may have inflicted blindness and then fixed it to
get someones attention and all.  ;->

I'll have to question you on the sword reference.  What passage are
you referencing?
Stephen Russell
Sr. Production Systems Programmer
Memphis TN


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