Rick Schummer wrote:
>>> I wouldn't dream of running the app on the server anymore, ever since 1999 
>>> when I learned about
> the LOADER idea from others here on ProFox.<<
> So how do you ensure the user is running the loader and not the local EXE? 
> Have you taken the
> precaution of adding versioning logic to the app startup and every operation 
> to make sure they are
> all running the latest and greatest? It is a common flaw in the loader 
> approach and one I have been
> burned on when taking over projects from other developers. I often see the 
> recommendation to move to
> this approach, but rarely see people explain some of the pitfalls. I am not 
> saying it is a bad
> approach, all I am saying is it has its flaws and overhead to consider.

You can't merely implement a loader, as you've explained. You also have to have:

+ app checking the version and refusing to start if it isn't the right version.
+ app checking to see if there's an update to the loader program
+ some mechanism to ensure the application reloads within a reasonable 
after the new app was uploaded.

Point #3 I rarely use, because usually these days I'm fixing a bug or adding a 
feature everyone wants, but I can send a message to all running apps by 
dropping a 
command file on the server with things like "shutdown 10" to shut down the 
application in 10 minutes. At that point, the user gets a modeless 
window telling them to finish up and a countdown to when the app will close 

So yeah, these things need to be thought about in advance, but I've had this 
architecture for about a decade now and haven't had any issues to speak of.

For a 24/7 app, you'd want to use some variation on the loader that would spawn 
a new 
process for the new app while the old version was still running; once the new 
one was 
loaded and in place then you'd kill the old. But I can't see how that would 
work if 
people were running the exe off the server.


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