The world has changed since WW2. Due process does involve making sure the
person you incarcerated is actually an enemy combatant. What about the
number that have been released from there and no charges have ever been laid
either in the US or in their own countries? I have no problem with
terrorists being locked up but it is part of the democratic process that you
so love to talk about that everyone has their day in court or at least some
kind of reasonable tribunal to determine their status. Guantanamo is s stain
on your reputation and the sooner it is gone the better. You have the
capability to treat terrorists with due process and so you should. Chuck in
jail for life; I don't care, but AFTER due process. Even in WW2 the Nazis
sent citizens of some uninvolved countries home. Granted, not many but at
least they did that for some. Aspiring to behave better than Nazis isn't
that much of a challenge.

-----Original Message-----
Of Pete Theisen
Sent: Tuesday, 25 November 2008 8:45 AM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: [OT] 25 billion won't do it?

Geoff Flight wrote:
> We had the same thing with David Hicks - who lives in my city.   I've no
> sympathy for his actions which were stupid but the  denial of due process
> and the use of torture simply makes the USA look like another second-rate
> dictatorship in the eyes of the world. Obama's promise to end Guantanamo
> a good thing. Capture all the terrorists your want - but give them due
> process

Hi Geoff!

What's due process for an enemy combatant? Is it not incarceration for 
the remainder of hostilities?

Suck it up, terrorists, the war on terror continues as long as there are 
acts of terror against us or our interests. So you die in captivity, no 
one asked you to bear arms or engage in hostile action against us.


[excessive quoting removed by server]

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