Good Afternoon All:
It's been along time since I wrote anything in a multiuser environment. And I 
mean along time! And never anything in VFP. The last could have been in FP DOS 
Set exclusive off
use mytable shared
I locate a record
check for a lock with isRlock()
It returns false and I issue a lock()
I ask: is the record locked and it returns .t.
Now I launch the same application on the network and locate the same record in 
the same table
check for a lock with isRlock() and it returns .f.
On the first form I ask if the record is locked and it returns .t.
Obviously I am missing something but I don't know what
I have read the help screens for a multiuser app and still not able not allow 
an edit on the second instance of the app.
Can someone point me to where I read about how to do this?

Jack Skelley
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