On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 3:59 PM, Dan Bron <j...@bron.us> wrote:
> Raul wrote:
>>  This kind of reasoning -- that a language primitive should
>>  not be treated as having utility explicitly stated in the
>>  documentation of that primitive, and obviously present in
>>  the implementations -- does not make sense to me.
> Maybe an analogy would help:  using [: for its (empty) domain is kind of
> like entering a building through the fire escape.  It's in the documentation
> (blueprints, official building records, etc), and clearly the implementation
> permits it (there's no such thing as stairs that only go down), but it
> ignores the intent and evades the spirit.

The dictionary says:

"Since the domain of the cap is empty, it can be used (with :) to
define a function whose monadic or dyadic case invokes an error."

So I disagree that using it for this purpose "evades the spirit".

> I wrote:
>>  I think we can agree that one of the guiding principles in the
>>  design of J is "graceful degradation"; witness, e.g., %. which
>>  has rank 2 but works "as expected" on vector and scalar
>>  arguments.
> Raul responded:
>>  But those are not cases where either the implementation or
>>  the dictionary state that there should be an error.  So
>>  I am not sure how this observation is relevant in this context.
> That the Dictionary (& implementation) do not define this to be an error was
> the very point of the observation.  It would be reasonable for %. ("matrix
> inverse") to reject vectors and scalars ("buddy, that's not a matrix").  But
> it doesn't. Instead, it does something useful, and related.  That's the
> philosophy I was advocating, with my comment.

Those would be rank errors, not length errors.

That said, I will grant that it's plausibly dictionary legal to have a
J implementation without length errors (where arrays are considered to
be an infinite field of fill elements except that some values are not
fill elements).  But I have not explored this idea in any depth, and I
expect that it would have some difficulties in dealing with shapes (at
the very least, shapes of non-empty arrays cannot have any zeros --
but $. lets us specify the fill element for an array) and with ranks
(ranks are defined as operating on shape prefixes which would not be a
meaningful concept in this context).

Nevertheless, even in such a case, since [: has been defined to have
an empty domain it must still have an empty domain.

> PS:  All that said, I publish and maintain very little "public" code, and my
> primary user is myself.  So my views might be parochial.

Ok... does this mean we should drop this line of discussion?

That said, note that in your original statement, I did not find "I
constrain my use of cap to the left tine of forks." to be at all
controversial.  My problem was with "I do not apply it as a verb,
because I don't like to rely on its domain(s) being empty."

Personally, I not only cannot see any valid interpretations where its
domain is not empty. And I anticipate potential future uses of the
language which depend on cap's domain being empty.  (For example, we
ever implement type inference, using [:^:predicate could be a
convenient way of expressing some type constraints -- of restricting a
hypothetical J compiler's activity so that we do not need to generate
irrelevant code bulk in a compiled verb.)


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