Nice troll ;)

Generally speaking, in life contexts, “dark” is orthogonal to “useful”.

Which might be related to why Dark Matter is looked up on,
by some in the Physics community — it seems that it Matters too much.

But if the problem is that brightness is insufficiently constrained,
why should we want to educate people, burdening them with this defect?

[The above makes about as much sense as the original troll:
 if things are orthogonal, they don’t correlate at all.
 So if anything is “too powerful” we don’t know a thing
 about its usefulness.]

Am 18.01.23 um 09:29 schrieb Raul Miller:
Generally speaking, in computing contexts, "powerful" is orthogonal to "useful".

Which might be related to why explicit definitions are looked down on,
by some in the J community -- It seems that they're "too powerful".

But if the problem is that explicit definitions are insufficiently
constrained, why should we want to burden tacit definitions with this

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