Michael, thanks for the feedback.  I'll try to clarify why some of the items 
that are on the list are where they are:

bug#13381: Create unstarted projects list
  - this is high on the list so we can free up resources on our server; so 
this one is there for purely selfish reasons (from Mozdev's standpoint), but 
we wanted to put it there so people knew it would be worked on.  There's 
currently a large number of projects (approx 400 out of 1600 - 25%) that were 
requested to be started but never had any significant work - so we'd like the 
clear the old ones out (probably ones that are > 1yr old).  This project is 
almost done, so hopefully you'll see it get checked off the roadmap soon ;)

Enhance download mirrors (Several bugs)
  - This would probably be where your SSL enhancements would show up, and it 
is definitely something on my radar for this week that I'll be looking into.

Project stats page
  - There's actually a number of things we were working on for doing the 
unstarted projects list (mailman stats, bugzilla stats, cvs stats) that were 
one of the bigger drivers for this project, but the presentation of the 
information on the web could probably have its priority shifted down a bit.

bug#11890 - Subversion
  - We're looking into offering Subversion as well as some other backends for 
projects to host their code.  As everyone is very aware, the project websites 
and downloads are very hooked into CVS, and I doubt that would change very 
quickly even if we did add SVN (ie, SVN would only be for hosting code).

bug#15670 - Commit notifications
  - this is something that was asked about a long time ago so we tried to make 
it higher on the priority list.  It could probably be moved back down if 
project owners currently don't think it's very important.

The reasons that the wiki and blog are currently higher on the priority list 
1) make it easier for project owners to post updates and documentation about 
their projects
2) make it more transparent what Mozdev is working on by publishing things in 
a blog that are currently happening

Since I started at Mozdev about a month ago I've been trying to post at least 
weekly progress reports on my personal blog, which you can find here:
RSS: http://www.silfreed.net/mozdev.rss
(I currently have a bug open to get this in on Planet Mozilla: 

If the project owners would like I can also start posting this here so we can 
discuss what's been going on.


On Friday 06 July 2007, Michael Vincent van Rantwijk wrote:
> I am missing SSL work and forums support in the road map, and
> I would like to suggest the following priority changes:
> this:
> Create unstarted projects list (bug 13381)
> should go after this:
> Re-enable wiki (bug 17020)
> this:
> Project stats page
> should go after this:
> Enhance download mirrors (Several bugs)
> this:
> Commit notifications (bug 15670)
> should go after this:
> Add Subversion (or another version control tool) (bug 11890)

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