Sure thing. 

As for skills I have a background with Linux servers and I can help in most of 
this kind of work too. In my  job I work as a support analyst too, so I am used 
at handling customers. As well, I'm finishing a degree in information security, 
so I may be able to help in anything like that too.

Vinicius Medina

Em 15/07/2011, às 07:54, Philip Chee escreveu:

> On Fri, 15 Jul 2011 07:24:00 -0300, Vinicius Medina wrote:
>> Hi Philip!
>> You can count on me. 
>> Some years ago when I started a project, Mozdev helped me. It's a privilege 
>> that I can help Mozdev back! :)
>> I will spread this news to my friends as well! 
>> Best wishes! :)
>> Vinicius Medina
> Would you like to help moderate the Feedback mailing list? It involves
> mostly deleting spam and approving the very occasional legitimate
> message? Very simple but rather tedious given the volume of spam and the
> rather grotty UI of the mailman moderation webpage.
> Phil
> -- 
> Philip Chee <>, <>
> Guard us from the she-wolf and the wolf, and guard us from the thief,
> oh Night, and so be good for us to pass.
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