There should be a period after in the first paragraph after 'How this affects you:'

Second to last paragraph I would move 'simply' to be after '(ads on the website are a separate cost)'

Otherwise looks good to me.

On 11/03/2014 02:12 PM, Forbes Mercy wrote:
The board has provided us with the mandate to unify the message of WISPA, provide better monitoring of ads, more closely monitor what constitutes an "Announcement", and increase the updates to the various social media including our website. The letter below is my proposed letter to membership, wide open to your edits. I look forward to your input:


Recently the Board of Directors of WISPA approved transitioning all electronic communication responsibility to the Promotion Committee.This was done so we have a common message on all platforms and because we have the benefit of a Promotion Contractor who will have the time to monitor and maximize a uniform message from a media background.

How this affects you:

If you are a Vendor Member and you wish to send an “Approved Ad” you’ll send it to <> Suzanne Urash, our contractor will be responsible for tracking the four ads a year included at that level of membership and for billing of additional ads beyond the package number.

If you have an “Announcement” email which is one that is sent to all members on and off-lists. It should be sent to <>.Approved announcements will then be cross posted on social media for WISPA. Because of the increased exposure we will slightly tighten up the criteria for this as it will have a wider reach.

If you simply want us to post to our website and social media with an event simply (ads on the website are a separate cost) send that to <>, that will not be sent to Announcement email but if qualified will be posted. Beyond Facebook and our website we hope to increase Twitter alerts for close deadline events and webinars, and will work to increase participation by membership in that account.

Please write down these emails, we look forward to a more streamlined and uniform method of helping to promote your business and events with this updated process.

Thank you,

Forbes Mercy

Chairman – Promotion Committee

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