This property is located near Buffalo, NY

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This property was purchased at Buffalo's annual Tax Foreclosure auction
on Oct 24th, 2007. The auction price was $3,000 with the option to
assign the purchase contract for $75. I put down 20% or $600 after
winning the bid, the remaining balance must be paid in full by Dec
16th. I will sell the contract for $2,500/OBO. Your total cost will be
$3,000(auction price) + $75(city assignment fee) + $500(closing costs
estimate) + $2,500/OBO(my assignment price). At the most, your purchase
price would be $6,075 for a property assessed at $25,000. This property
would be perfect as a rental property for your portfolio.
Richard L. Tandy II
Riverstone Realty LLC

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