I think that's why many people haven't noticed this bug - it's easy to just
think you forgot to enter the information.

I knew exactly what happened because I only had 2 parts on the page, and had
just finished lining up the part field text. I didn't even notice they
disappeared (after the drag) until after I printed the page out.

Mark Geddes

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nicholas Cobb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, March 02, 2001 3:35 PM
> Is that what happened?  I had the exact same thing happen to 
> me today.  I
> was starting to think that I had just never entered the information.
> Nick Cobb
> Hi All,
> I'm sorry to report that Protel has not fixed the problem 
> where schematic
> part fields all revert back to an asterisk, when a schematic 
> part is moved.
> This problem seems to happen at random intervals, and is not easily
> reproduced. Protel had announced that they fixed this bug in 
> SP6, but it is
> still lurking.
> The problem happened to me today when I centered a schematic 
> on the page, by
> selecting an area & dragging it. Once the drag was complete 
> the part fields
> on one connector all reverted to "*".
> (I've reported my findings to Protel)

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