
Abd. has provided me with very much appreciated help - Sometimes he's been
the only person to respond to my query. Certainly his answers have always
been spot-on. He has saved me much time, and his help has always been freely
given. If you don't want to read his posts, then don't read them. Seems
pretty simple to me. I agree wholeheartedly with Thomas' post below.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thomas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 19 February 2002 08:21
> To: 'Protel EDA Forum'
> Subject: Re: [PEDA] Writing messages all day . . . hopefully, the final
> re sponse . . .
> For Christs sake Jami get off his back!
> He does not clutter up the list, he provides much needed helpful
> advice and
> support.
> You are the only twit cluttering up this list lately.
> !plonk! <-- the sound of JaMi being added to my email kill filter file.
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: JaMi Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Tuesday, 19 February 2002 4:55 PM
> > To: Protel EDA Forum
> > Cc: JaMi Smith; JaMi OC
> > Subject: Re: [PEDA] Writing messages all day . . . hopefully,
> > the final
> > response . . .
> >
> >
> > Abdul,
> >
> > Thanks for coming clean on your interests in buying and selling Protel
> > Licenses, as it clarifies a lot on why you have attempted to
> > justify the
> > raises in price by Protel. It also explains why you appear to
> > be a Protel
> > "shill". You're just trying th hustle your own 'product' (the
> > "licenses" you
> > own).
> >
> > Please however, stop doing it here, because while it may be
> > good for your
> > "business", it is in fact counter productive to the interests
> > of Protel
> > customers and users as a whole, and it clutters up the list, and as I
> > thought I made perfectly clear before, it is sending the
> > wrong message to
> > Protel / Altium.
> >
> > While I will admit that you do appear to have been using
> > Protel for a long
> > time, and therefore appear to be pretty knowledgeable about the Protel
> > product, and in that respect I am sure that I could learn a
> > few things from
> > you, please keep in mind that being a "cad jockey", or more
> > specifically a
> > "Protel jockey", and being a good designer are not in fact
> > the same thing.
> >
> > You really don't get it, do you? You are in fact new to the game. As a
> > designer, who claims to have been in the business since 1976,
> > you really
> > don't seem to have learned much about design.
> >
> > Please also stop using this forum as a place to talk (write)
> > just to here
> > yourself talk. Contribute where you can but, but please stop
> > acting like it
> > is the "Ask Abdul" show. Believe it or not, it really is
> > counter productive
> > for the list in general.
> >
> > Oh, and by the way, while at TRW in 1983,  I was responsible
> > for driving one
> > CAD company, Design Aids Inc., into Chapter 11, and putting
> > them out of
> > business, because they thought they didn't have to support
> > their customers.
> > But that's another story.
> >
> > Yes, in fact there really is legal precedent, but you don't
> > really expect us
> > to think that besides being the worlds best designer, that
> > you now also
> > understand consumer protection law as well do you?
> > Why counselor, I didn't know.
> >
> > Also please, you also should stop trying to talk down to
> > everyone in your
> > manner of speech, as it too is counter productive. And don't
> > even think that
> > you have a chance at winning a battle of wits, because you don't.
> >
> > You really do miss the whole point don't you Abdul? You
> > really may have all
> > day to sit around and write messages, but the point is that
> > the rest of us
> > really don't have all day to sit around and read them, let
> > alone respond!
> >
> > Let's dispense with the BS, which truly is counter productive
> > to the list,
> > and try to get back on course, which I believe is solving the
> > problems that
> > users are having with Protel, and getting Protel to address the real
> > problems that are out there, and support their customers,
> > rather than trying
> > to justify a price increase.
> >
> > JaMi
> >
> > P.S. I am not sure whether you would like me to address you as Abdul,
> > Dennis, or Lomax, but my name is JaMi, and I would request
> > you address me
> > that way.
> >
> > You really don't need to respond any further, as it really is
> > all down hill
> > from here.
> >
> > * * *
> >
> > ---- Original Message -----
> > From: "Abd ul-Rahman Lomax" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: "Protel EDA Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Monday, February 18, 2002 4:59 PM
> > Subject: Re: [PEDA] Writing messages all day . . . the response . . .
> >
> >
> > > warning: a long response to a long post, not directly
> > related to support.
> > >
> > > At 06:40 PM 2/17/2002 -0800, JaMi Smith wrote:
> > > >Unfortunately, herein lies what I perceive to be one of
> > the problems,
> > which
> > > >already has been partially acknowledged and addressed,  in
> > that when the
> > > >list, or more precisely the size and content of the posts,
> > as well as the
> > > >number of posts to the list, becomes such that the average
> > subscriber to
> > the
> > > >list cannot keep up with the list due to the overwhelming
> > number of post,
> > or
> > > >the vast amount of extraneous matter in some of the posts,
> > then  the list
> > > >has in fact defeated it's purpose, and the community as a whole can
> > suffer.
> > >
> > > It does not directly suffer from the volume of posts,
> > because no user is
> > > forced to actually read the posts. Some simply let mail
> > accumulate, and
> > > then search it later when they have questions. Disk space
> > is cheap. But if
> > > one thinks that one must read everything, then, yes, one will have a
> > > problem as the list grows.
> > >
> > > >If one person unsubscrbes from this list, because he or
> > she doesn't have
> > the
> > > >time to sort thru the extra clutter to find the answers
> > that they need,
> > or
> > > >the pearls of knowledge and wisdom that will make their
> > job easier, then
> > > >those responsible for the content of the list have in fact done a
> > tremendous
> > > >disservice to the community.
> > >
> > > I'd say that this is greatly overstated. If one is looking
> > for answers,
> > > then one asks, one is not forced to go through tons of
> > clutter. One can
> > > simply watch the thread of one's question. I use Eudora for
> > e-mail, and I
> > > can press the Subject button, to sort by Subject, and it
> > knows that Re:
> > > Subject is the same as Subject.
> > >
> > > When a question is asked, responses usually come in fairly
> > quickly. One
> > can
> > > tell from the subject lines if they relate to one's question or not.
> > > Reading other mail is *voluntary.* I routinely skip over
> > some posts when I
> > > see that they are off-topic and I'm not particularly interested.
> > >
> > > >I for one think that the list is approaching critical
> > mass, and rather
> > than
> > > >try and sort thru all of the content to find what is of
> > value, and what
> > is
> > > >superfluous, or simply ignoring new posts when I don't
> > have the time to
> > look
> > > >at them at all, I chose to address the issue in a manner
> > that I thought
> > > >would be the most productive and  least offensive way that I could.
> > >
> > > It would have been better to directly address the issues.
> > There are a
> > > number of problems with the list as it is constituted. I
> > recount these not
> > > to blame anyone but simply to examine the issues.
> > >
> > > (1) Subject lines are frequently not descriptive.
> > > (2) There is a lot of duplication. Many questions are asked
> > which were
> > > answered perhaps several days before.
> > > (3) Off-topic posts are intermingled with the rest of the list.
> > >
> > > Techserv attempted to solve the third problem by opening
> > the Open Topic
> > > Forum, without much success; it could have been predicted.
> > Besides the
> > fact
> > > that an open topic forum already existed,
> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED], one never knows if the
> > persons with
> > whom
> > > one might be having a discussion are subscribed to Open
> > Topic. We have no
> > > idea who subscribes to Open Topic except for the few who have posted
> > there,
> > > which brings us to a central problem: this list is managed
> > by Techserv
> > > according to its own lights, and the users are typically
> > not consulted,
> > nor
> > > are we informed. It is interesting that Mr. Smith brings up
> > issues of
> > > conflict of interest, below, without seeming to realize
> > that there are
> > > major issues involving Techserv itself and its management
> > of this list.
> > >
> > > They have done well enough that we have not actually moved the
> > > association's support to another list, but we have found,
> > in the past,
> > that
> > > we may spend a lot of effort to propose paths for the growth and
> > > development of the list, and they go nowhere. Techserv is
> > not interested
> > in
> > > user involvement in the list management, that is clear.
> > >
> > > >I have in fact, in recent weeks, written several very long
> > and specific
> > > >replies to several posts , but decided that any one of
> > them might be too
> > > >offensive to post to the list, or even to send directly to
> > any specific
> > > >individual, since I think that the last thing that this
> > user community
> > needs
> > > >is a war of words between any of its contributors.
> > >
> > > It takes two to make a war, otherwise one person ends up
> > looking pretty
> > > foolish, all by himself....
> > >
> > > >But I did reach the limit of my tolerance the other night,
> > when, after a
> > > >very long and productive day, I decided to quickly check
> > my email before
> > > >leaving for home. A simple glance in the lower left corner
> > of Outlook to
> > see
> > > >the number of new (unread) posts to this list (which Outlook
> > automatically
> > > >sorts upon receipt into a separate folder), and then
> > simply sorting those
> > by
> > > >sender and doing a little counting, quickly provided the
> > statistics for
> > the
> > > >days posts, all of which took less than a minute. Yes, it
> > did take a few
> > > >more minutes to cut and paste the list together, but I
> > figured that it
> > would
> > > >be a quick and easy way to broach the problem in a manner
> > that would not
> > be
> > > >too offensive, and see what sort of responses I could get
> > from the other
> > > >members of the list.
> > >
> > > Yes, compiling those statistics need not be much work. It
> > was a bit of a
> > > cheap shot for us to point out the possible contradiction
> > to Mr. Smith. I
> > > mentioned the time taken simply to point out that this
> > thread is itself
> > > off-topic. There is actually another place to discuss list
> > policy, and it
> > > is the association list. While the association does not
> > directly control
> > > this list, it does have the power to move elsewhere if association
> > > decisions are not respected. But the association has made
> > no decisions
> > that
> > > would test this, and the sense has been that it would not
> > be productive to
> > > force a confrontation.
> > >
> > > The work which Techserv did to found this list and to run
> > it when that was
> > > a burden has been acknowledged with gratitude by the
> > association, and
> > would
> > > continue to be acknowledged.
> > >
> > > However, major changes are to take place with this list, it
> > is likely that
> > > the list will be moved elsewhere, so that the association
> > can directly
> > > implement decisions without going through a rather opaque
> > process with
> > > Techserv.
> > >
> > > The association list is
> > > founded to be a means of making association decisions, and
> > a number of
> > > decisions have been made. The association has not been
> > directly active of
> > > late, but I am sure that anyone coming in with proposals
> > would be answered
> > > and there is a mechanism for actually making decisions,
> > something that
> > does
> > > not exist here (other than appeal to the list
> > administrator, who makes all
> > > decisions according to his own opinion, which might or might not be
> > > satisfactory to the majority.)
> > >
> > > >Well, as I said before, I think that most of what needs to
> > be said has
> > > >already been said, and been said in a much less offensive
> > manner that I
> > > >could have said it myself. I would point out however, for some self
> > > >appointed experts (who according to some of the responses
> > to my post may
> > in
> > > >fact have gained much of their "expertise" by reading this list or
> > > >contributing to the list and waiting to be corrected),
> > >
> > > I feel sorry for Mr. Smith.
> > >
> > > >  that there are in
> > > >fact people on this list who actually have been in the
> > industry for much
> > > >more than 25 years, and in fact predate MIL STD 275
> > revision D, Bishop
> > > >Graphics, Red and Blue Tape (and it's proper use), rats
> > nests (both real
> > and
> > > >those contrived here in this list), multilayer boards,
> > plated thru holes,
> > > >and even "Computer Aided Design" in any and all of its
> > forms, and most of
> > > >the systems that any form of CAD runs on.
> > >
> > > Such as myself, if I am correct. 275D was issued in April 1978 and I
> > > designed my first boards in something like 1976.
> > >
> > > >There is one specific area that has not been discussed,
> > and which I feel
> > > >needs to be discussed for the overall  good of the user
> > community, and
> > that
> > > >is the issue of personal or economic bias, and the issue
> > of unsolicited
> > and
> > > >unwarranted comments regarding the performance (or lack thereof) or
> > Protel
> > > >Products..
> > > >
> > > >Let me preface this by the fact that this list is supposed to be an
> > > >Association of Protel EDA ***===>>> USERS <<<===*** ("A
> > Virtual User
> > > >  Group"), where: The group functions in two modes:
> > > >1. Use of this web page to learn and inform others.
> > > >2. Use of the email forums for immediate two way communication
> > > >For new members, this web site serves as a starting point
> > to join forums.
> > > >[AND FURTHER] It also provides advertising for Protel
> > related products,
> > > >services, and employment.
> > > >(SEE => http://www.techservinc.com/protelusers/index.html).
> > >
> > > That is Techserv's statement of purpose for the list. It
> > was written years
> > > ago, it was the work of one person who did not consult any
> > association.
> > But
> > > it is true, to be sure, that this is a list for Protel
> > users. However, we
> > > would wish that Protel *employees* also participated,
> > though I certainly
> > > understand why it would be company policy that they do not.
> > >
> > > >Respecting the latter; "advertising for Protel related products,
> > services,
> > > >and employment;"  I cannot believe that it was the intent
> > of the list
> > > >moderator that such "advertising" should be done without proper
> > > >identification and notification.
> > >
> > > Mr. Smith does seem to be a tad confused here. The
> > statement he quoted is
> > > from a description of a "virtual user group" and its web
> > site, operated by
> > > Techserv. Techserv has not encouraged the use of this list for
> > advertising.
> > > I did once check the advertising policy and get a quote
> > (Techserv sells
> > > advertising for this list, but only once has an ad actually
> > appeared here,
> > > as I recall.). The price was not affordable for what I had in mind
> > > (advertising broker services for used licenses; one
> > insertion would have
> > > cost almost as much as one sale would yield in commission,
> > and sales of
> > > used licenses are few and far between).
> > >
> > > >To be blunt Abdul, in much of what you say in this forum
> > (consisting of
> > this
> > > >list and other closely related lists), you appear to be a
> > "Shill" for
> > > >Protel., and many of your comments seem to gloss over or
> > at least attempt
> > to
> > > >minimize many severe problems with Protel.
> > >
> > > That's an opinion. It's not one which might be held by
> > Protel employees. I
> > > do, however, have a different style in approaching problems
> > with Protel. I
> > > wish to *support* Protel in making changes that will
> > benefit itself as
> > well
> > > as the users. In doing this, I do not treat them as a bunch of
> > > ill-intentioned, ignorant incompetents, or as evil-minded
> > marketers, as
> > > seems to be the wont of some critics.
> > >
> > > Instead of merely griping about some problem with Protel, I
> > attempt to
> > > explain -- if possible -- *why* the program has that
> > deficiency, why it
> > may
> > > not yet have been corrected -- i.e., the etiology of the bug and its
> > > persistence -- instead of purely blaming Protel, while at
> > the same time I
> > > often point out that the problem could have been solved
> > years earlier.
> > > Protel can be improved, and user involvement is crucial in this.
> > >
> > > When I joined this list, Protel was somewhat of an
> > embattled company with
> > > respect to its users; the list was full of outrage. I
> > attempted to change
> > > that. I have lots of evidence that I was successful, among
> > them Protel
> > > 99SE, long-time readers of this list will know how
> > effective user input
> > was
> > > in giving direction to the SE release. But I also know what Protel
> > > employees have told me. (One man, very highly placed in the
> > company, said,
> > > "You should never have to pay for a Protel license again,
> > at the very
> > least.")
> > >
> > > But was I paid for this? No. (And I have received no free
> > software from
> > > Protel that was not given to others under similar conditions. I.e.,
> > CAMtastic.)
> > >
> > > >When one goes to www.lomaxdesign.com, we find that "LOMAX DESIGN
> > > >  CONSULTANTS" provides "Protel design consulting, training and
> > support.",
> > > >and also "Protel license resale support".
> > >
> > > Right. I wear a number of hats. "Design consulting" is a
> > fancy name for
> > > printed circuit design. "Training and support" is mostly
> > pie-in-the-sky,
> > > though two users have hired me by the hour to guide them
> > through their
> > > first designs. I think they were satisfied. One came back
> > for more, the
> > > other, *at my encouragement*, found this list and uses it
> > frequently.
> > >
> > > Some time back I noticed that Protel users sometimes had
> > licenses to sell,
> > > and these licenses were going for cheap. That seemed
> > strange to me, since
> > a
> > > "used" Protel license is every bit as good as a new one.
> > The problem was,
> > > if I saw it correctly, that resales had a bit of a bad
> > reputation, buyers
> > > did not trust that they would not get burned. If someone with a good
> > > reputation would start brokering these licenses, buyers
> > *and* sellers
> > would
> > > benefit. Ahem.
> > >
> > > I have made a few thousand dollars over the last two years
> > or so. It is
> > > very small potatoes, since few Protel users want to sell
> > their licenses.
> > > Right now, there is one user who would like to sell, but Protel has
> > mangled
> > > the used license market with a barrage of "sales" and
> > "specials" and the
> > > ATS announcement and all the uncertainty over upgrade
> > costs. Used licenses
> > > were going for about 25% off of full price until all this.
> > But the sale
> > > meant that one would pay only a tiny bit more for a new
> > license including
> > ATS.
> > >
> > > >Further, when we look at one of your responses to another
> > responses to my
> > > >original post, you specifically admit that "Protel support
> > through this
> > > >list, as well as providing other services for Protel
> > users, some of which
> > > >are for compensation, *is* [your] business"
> > >
> > > Yes. That is, it is a part of my business. The primary
> > business is printed
> > > circuit design. By providing support to users, I keep my
> > name present, and
> > > thus companies needing design support might call me. If a
> > few do, it does
> > > not take many, the time I have spent here is well worth it.
> > >
> > > I should also mention that I have done one small piece of
> > work for Protel,
> > > I wrote a guide to something or other, and I was paid, as I
> > recall, about
> > > $300 to $400. I might do more writing for them, there has
> > been talk of it.
> > > But I would prefer to move toward what I would call "user resource
> > > facilitator." I think Protel needs such a person. So I
> > *might* become a
> > > Protel employee or paid consultant. But anyone who thinks
> > that my writing
> > > here has been influenced by some reluctance to criticize
> > Protel has simply
> > > not been paying attention. I've said plenty of things on
> > this list that
> > > might lead some Protel executives to dislike me.
> > >
> > > It appears that there may be divisions within the company as to
> > philosophy,
> > > and I don't know which faction has the upper hand. What
> > goes on internally
> > > within Protel is not very much visible to me, I have only hints from
> > > occasional conversations and correspondence.
> > >
> > > Let's say that I stand for the concept that a company
> > benefits when it
> > > makes the benefit of its customers high in its list of
> > priorities, when it
> > > avoids short-term profit at its customers' expense. Some
> > elements within
> > > the company might think that ... insufficiently focused on
> > stockholder
> > > profits. In reality, however, stockholders, in a sound
> > economy, are in
> > > stock for the long haul, and thus will benefit from a long
> > view. It is
> > more
> > > officers of the company who might benefit from short-term
> > profit, a kind
> > of
> > > conflict of interest, the evil effects of which we are now
> > seeing with
> > Enron.
> > >
> > > >I believe that this, especially in light of your defensive
> > posture on
> > many
> > > >of Protel problems and issues, gives me the right to ask ,
> > on behalf of
> > the
> > > >entire user community represented in this (and related)
> > list, that you
> > fully
> > > >and completely disclose just exactly what your specific
> > relationship to
> > > >Protel and/or Altium in fact is.
> > >
> > > I think I've done that. Any questions remaining?
> > >
> > > >The bottom line is this: Protel and/or Altium personnel, both from
> > > >management and/or technical support, obviously monitor
> > this (and related)
> > > >list(s), on a regular basis, in an attempt to keep their
> > finger on the
> > > >"pulse" (as it were) of the Protel User Community.
> > >
> > > Yes.
> > >
> > > >Every time you wax eloquent and philosophize on how Protel
> > is God's gift
> > to
> > > >PCB Design and act as if it is perfect and was "sent down
> > from heaven",
> > >
> > > Actually, I think it would be much better if it were sent
> > down. No, Protel
> > > is the product of human labor and shows the marks of that.
> > I.e., it isn't
> > > perfect. Together, though, we could make it *much* better,
> > better than
> > > Altium could manage on its own.
> > >
> > > >  and
> > > >further, that we should all appreciate the fact that we
> > are so blessed to
> > be
> > > >able to actually use Protel,
> > >
> > > I feel blessed, yes. I have used other CAD systems. I have not used
> > Allegro
> > > or Mentor, but I have reason to believe that they would not
> > necessarily be
> > > better for my applications.
> > >
> > > Remember, I paid for my Protel license out of my own
> > pocket. It was the
> > > best money I ever spent.
> > >
> > > >  I think you step over the line and actually
> > > >perform a disservice to the community by covering up the
> > real problems
> > and
> > > >giving a false picture to Protel and/or Altium. I believe
> > that this is
> > > >especially true in light of the apparent conflicts of interest.
> > >
> > > The conflicts I have, such as they are, are those which any
> > user would
> > have
> > > if he were (1) a design consultant or contractor using
> > Protel for clients
> > > and/or (2) helping users to resell licenses (a secondary
> > and very minor
> > > item for me). All of which has been quite open and visible.
> > >
> > > >An example of this would be your advocated position on the
> > limitation of
> > > >support and service to a short duration from the time of
> > the purchase of
> > > >Protel, where in reality, not only ethically, but legally
> > as well, where
> > > >there is a legitimate problem with Protel (as in a
> > legitimate "bug"),
> > Protel
> > > >is obligated to fix the problem (especially when you
> > consider the cost of
> > > >the product),  irregardless of how many new releases or
> > service packs (or
> > > >years) it takes.
> > >
> > > Mr. Smith appears to be under some level of delusion
> > regarding the law. He
> > > may want to see that, but it (1) hasn't been the case for
> > any software and
> > > (2) isn't going to be the case. The cost of the product is legally
> > irrelevant.
> > >
> > > Further, I have not "advocated" that Protel not fix old bugs. I have
> > merely
> > > noted that, at some point, they stop supporting a release.
> > Typically this
> > > has been after a year or perhaps a few years. This is not
> > new, nor is it
> > > unusual. If Mr. Smith thinks I am incorrect, and that what
> > is absolutely
> > > common and usual behavior in the software industry, perhaps
> > he could cite
> > > some law or legal precedent.
> > >
> > > [...]
> > > >The bottom line is this, Protel, as a product, still has some very
> > serious
> > > >shortcommings and serious problems,
> > >
> > > Serious, yes. Very serious starts to become overstatement.
> > The worst thing
> > > I know about is blind and buried via display behavior, and
> > technically
> > that
> > > is not a bug (but the lack of an important feature). The
> > router obviously
> > > needs improvement, but, again, you get what you pay for.
> > >
> > > >  and the only way that any of them are
> > > >going to get addressed is by calling a bug a bug and holding Protel
> > > >accountable to it's users, which I believe is at least one
> > of the primary
> > > >functions of this list.
> > >
> > > Not a stated one, to be sure. Techserv's strict rules -- mostly
> > unenforced,
> > > a problem with rules that are overstrict with a population
> > of engineers --
> > > would limit the list to the provision of support, i.e., how
> > do we do this
> > > or is this a bug and what is a workaround, getting the job
> > done kind of
> > > stuff. Ragging on Protel/Altium does not fit that. But this
> > brings us back
> > > to how the list is managed. I'd have sublists, with users
> > subscribed to
> > > *all* by default, and they can unsubscribe from some of
> > them if they wish.
> > > Once there is a *place* to do what users want to do, and
> > which will reach
> > > the majority of users except for those who opt out, it would become
> > > reasonable to expect users to follow some discipline about
> > where they
> > post.
> > > Under present circumstances, this list is pretty much *it*.
> > >
> > > (There are other ways to accomplish this, such as defined
> > abbreviations in
> > > the Subject line so that users can filter, but a family of
> > lists would be
> > > very simple to administer and it requires no special software, etc.
> > > Actually, we have the family of lists, it is the
> > protel-users family of
> > > lists on yahoogroups. But because it has been opt-in
> > instead of opt-out,
> > it
> > > would not work any better than this list, so if we were to
> > move, if we had
> > > the subscription list, I'd vote to automatically subscribe
> > everyone to all
> > > the association lists, with a very easy way to opt out of
> > individual lists
> > > being give to each user. New users, likewise, would be
> > subscribed to all
> > > the lists by default. Another advantage of this -- like the
> > subject line
> > > solution -- is that it would become simple to move a
> > discussion to another
> > > list without losing the participants, assuming that most users would
> > > subscribe to all the lists. I would, even if I weren't in
> > the position
> > that
> > > I am in. The accessory lists will always have much less
> > traffic, so there
> > > is little reason to unsubscribe from them. And if that
> > changes, it is
> > > simple to fix.)
> > >
> > > >In short Abdul, you have contributed immensely to this
> > list, and don't
> > for a
> > > >minute even think that I am trying to sell you short on that issue,
> > because
> > > >I am not. But since I have joined this list, over 1 in
> > every 8 post to
> > this
> > > >list has been made by you, and as you seem to realize and
> > acknowledge
> > > >yourself, much of the extraneous verbiage contributed to
> > this list is
> > also
> > > >from you, and as you yourself have already pointed out in
> > your reply to a
> > > >response to my original post, that is too much.
> > >
> > > Perhaps. 1 out of 8? I'd say that is wider participation than I had
> > > thought. Given that I can afford to make a point to be here
> > for support --
> > > which is the large bulk of what I do -- I'm glad to see
> > that the ration is
> > > that low.
> > >
> > > >In conclusion, I apologize to you Abdul if I have offended
> > you. Please do
> > > >continue to contribute to the list, as you are, and I am sure will
> > continue
> > > >to be, an immense help to many, but please at the same time, please
> > disclose
> > > >your actual relationship with Protel and/or Altium, and
> > dispense with the
> > > >unwarranted posturing and commentary [...]
> > >
> > > You know, when you have an employee, sometimes you have to
> > take the bad
> > > with the good. One makes a decision about keeping an
> > employee based on
> > > overall benefit or harm. But time will tell if my
> > commentary is of benefit
> > > or harm.
> > >
> > > >After all, as you have so conveniently pointed out yourself in your
> > initial
> > > >reply  to a response to my original post, you are not in
> > fact an actual
> > > >"user" of Protel yourself (since you have "arranged for
> > another very
> > > >competent designer to do most of [your] design" for you) ,
> > and you really
> > > >are fortunate enough to have a lot of extra free time on
> > your hands.
> > >
> > > That is a misunderstanding. I am a user. It is just that
> > the balance has
> > > shifted, I now spend more time writing than I spend using for actual
> > design
> > > work (Obviously I use the software when I am writing, which
> > has gotten
> > much
> > > easier with dual monitors). I don't consider this "free
> > time." Rather, I
> > > consider it an essential part of my job. I've got lots of
> > other stuff to
> > > do, which often suffers because I write. Maybe I will write
> > less and do
> > > some of these other things. But not because of Mr. Smith's critique,
> > though
> > > perhaps I may thank him for reminding me of certain things.
> > Again, time
> > > will tell.
> > >
> > > >Most importantly, as Bob Jones stated in his post in
> > response to this
> > issue,
> > > >"For all of those who contribute to this forum, please do
> > not stop! It's
> > > >been a huge help". [...]
> > >
> > > And I intend to do what I can to make it even better. I do
> > have ideas,
> > some
> > > of which might involve working more closely with Altium.
> > Again, we'll see.
> > >
> > >
> > > Abdulrahman Lomax
> > > Easthampton, Massachusetts USA
> >

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