You specify it the same way you specify any special requirement.

1. Call your fab and ask them what documentation they would like to see for selective plating.
2. Put a note on the drill drawing referring to an outline box, circle, etc. on the drill drawing that identifies the pads to be selectively plated. Call out the desired plating thicknesses for nickle and gold in the note.
3. If necessary, outline the precise selective plating area on a separate mechanical layer with a note specifying the nickle and gold thicknesses.

At 09:44 AM 8/27/04, you wrote:
I've just run across a problem that has never come up before. I need gold
plating on one component in the middle of the top layer- ie not an edge
connector, and don't want the whole board plated in gold. Is there a way to
specify this?

Bob Stephens

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