okay, understood.

many thanks for the hint guys.


On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 7:14 PM, Adam Vartanian <flo...@google.com> wrote:

> > the only workaround that i can think of would be creating a "Void"
> > message that is declared as the answer and the rpc implementation to
> > then "ignore" those.
> >
> > like this:
> >
> > message Void
> > {
> > }
> >
> > service myService
> > {
> > rpc OneWayWithoutResponse(FirmwareEvent) returns (Void);
> > }
> >
> > is there a way how i can avoid this workaround?
> Nope, that's the way it's done.  Generally speaking, it's recommended
> that you create a separate empty response message for each service
> method instead of a generic Void message you return from many methods,
> so that if you ever do decide to send a response back you don't have
> to switch message types, but otherwise that's the usual way it's done.
> - Adam

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