Evan Jones wrote:
> On Mar 7, 2010, at 4:16 , Oliver Jowett wrote:
>> Is there a set of message definitions / data that I could run benchmarks
>> over while tweaking the implementation? Since the C++ implementation
>> seems to be well tuned already, I was hoping something like this was
>> already around, but I couldn't find anything in the usual places..
> There are two message types and some code included in the protobuf SVN
> repository. I've used them for a couple small improvements I contributed:
> http://code.google.com/p/protobuf/source/browse/#svn/trunk/benchmarks

Perfect, thanks! I didn't think to check the svn tree itself, I just
looked at the distribution tarballs.

>> I could just use the message types I already have, but I fear that's not
>> going to be very representative as they're mostly simple, flat messages
>> where the bulk of the data is inside an opaque bytes field.
> If it is representative for *your* application that is probably the most
> important part.

Therein lies the problem. Ideally I want to get some general benchmarks
*before* I do the big rewrite to use protobuf..


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