To be honest, I've never really understood the point of the NO-JIRA thing.
What's the technical difference between NO-JIRA: blah and simply omitting
the PROTON-xxx? I can't see that it would significantly improve grepability
since either way you need to run a regex over the whole log string for
anything that matches PROTON-[0-9]+.


On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 10:31 AM, Phil Harvey <>wrote:

> I notice a fair smattering of recent Proton commits without Jira numbers in
> them.  As far as I'm aware, all commits should either contain a Jira number
> in the format "PROTON-xyz:" or, for exceptionally simple changes,
> "NO-JIRA:".
> Please shout if you disagree.
> Thanks
> Phil

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