On 26 February 2015 at 17:52, Andrew Stitcher <astitc...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Thu, 2015-02-26 at 12:28 +0000, Robbie Gemmell wrote:
>> ...
>> I'm going to post my comments here and on the wiki, as I dont think
>> many (except maybe you) will actually see them on the wiki ;)
> Thank you for the excellent feedback. I'm going to answer on the wiki -
> as it'll save me from cutting and pasting.
> [I did try to add the lists as watchers, but that doesn't seem to be
> possible in any obvious way]
> wiki link:
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=51812103&focusedCommentId=51812468#comment-51812468
> Andrew

Replied on the Wiki, but also including below for anyone not clicking
these links ;)


3. Do you really mean to have only ANONYMOUS for 0.9 for Proton-J?
That would render it fairly useless if the existing transport/sasl API
is removed since that would prevent people using any existing
implementation they already have (ANONYMOUS, PLAIN, CRAM-MD5 thus far
for the JMS client, with EXTERNAL sitting on the TODO list).

4. I do still think there is a change (by having to handle the SASL
previously, you would always know the authentication result before the
connection ever happened, and you had to call done on the server to
say it was, whereas now you get a transport event in either case), but
I take your point that you could adjust to waiting for the successful
connection open state/event to be reached and both approaches would
then appear to work the same from that point.

5. I'd say the positive list of mechs to use is more straight forward
in many scenarios, and the exclusion list could work better in some
others. Offering both options would let people do whatever they want.
- The exclusion list might be something you used initially to e.g
prevent use of ANONYMOUS, but you have that scenario covered by
pn_transport_require_auth already.
- After that, it is presumably to be used for things like disabling
mechs that are either not considered secure enough (e.g PLAIN, because
you are requiring everying uses SCRAM-SHA-<foo> today because its
Friday), or are installed but not configured/usable (e.g GSSAPI as you
mentioned). Between those, you would need to know the name of every
mechanism that could ever be present, and then exclude them all in
case they should be installed (possibly later). Or, you might better
get what you want by being able to specify only the mechs you want to
be enabled and have already installed as a result.
- On what to do to do if a positively-requested mechanism isnt
available, as I said we could posibly give the choice of of throwing
to indicate the requirement couldn't be met or potentially making that
optional, because if you positively-specify more than one you probabyl
dont care which is used too much.

6. I saw the deprecation, but I wasnt aware the default had already
been changed for allow skip, was that ever mentioned anywhere, e.g a
JIRA raised to cover a significant change in behaviour? I think its
the wrong decision personally, and code using the engine should have
to opt-in to permitting non-SASL connections (and ANONYMOUS). If the
rest of the current SASL API is going away and the default remains
changed, then it seems allow skip should probably just be removed too,
since its very likely the only people using it will be configuring the
new behaviour and there is a new API for anyone wanting to configure
the historical default behaviour when they realise (this will
presumably be release-noted?) it becomes necessary to secure it with
the new release.

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