
The point was to extend the original object with reference to the
parent object (the original object as before the extension), and
without creating a new class/object inherited from the original one.

I solved my problem with this:

addPlugin: function(pluginObj) {
        var $parent = Object.clone(this);
        for (var p in pluginObj) {
                if (typeof(pluginObj[p])=='function')
                        pluginObj[p] = eval(pluginObj[p].toString());

Notice the addPlugin method defines the $parent object, then it re-
evaluates the methods in the extension object (pluginObj).
Wouldn't it better if you could access the parent via a special object
$parent.show() rather than making:

Where can I find the support forum?

-thanks, Eli

On Mar 30, 4:52 pm, "Ryan Gahl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> However, you could employ a slightly more traditional approach, which is to
> leave the first version of A as the base class, and then subclass it as
> needed:
> (Btw, the way you have written A below is as a static object, and as such
> you are gaining nothing by using Class.create(). Class.create() points the
> constructor for the class at an "initialize" method on the class's
> prototype, which of course you never define)
> Try something like this (notice that I define public class level instance
> methods within the constructor to ensure they are truly only given to
> instances of the class):
> var A = Class.create();
> A.prototype = {
> initialize: function() {
> //public instance members
> this.show = function() {
> alert("I am A");
> };
> }
> }
> var B = Class.create();
> Object.inherit(A, B);
> Object.extend(B.prototype, {
> initialize: function() {
> //base class construction
> this.base();
> //override show
> var oldShow = this.show.bind(this);
> this.show = function() {
> oldShow();
> alert("I am EXTENDED A");
> };
> }
> });
> var test = new B();
> B.show(); // alerts "I am A" and "I am EXTENDED A"
> This technique comes right from by blog post on the inheritance model.
> Now, if you're looking to tack (or override) methods on existing
> instances... you don't need a special addPlugin() method like what you
> started doing. You can just take advantage of plain old javascript...
> (Assume we are back to using the definition of A from your original post)...
> var oldShow = A.show.bind(A);
> A.show = function() {
> oldShow();
> alert("I am EXTENDED A");
> };
> Notice in my first example (the object oriented approach), and in this
> example (the static object version) I use a .bind() call. Doing so ensures
> that if A.show() ever tried to access "this", it would still point to the
> correct scope.
> For instance, imagine A.show() looked like this:
> function() {
> alert(this.name);
> }
> Ok... so I'll stop now I guess, just realize this list isn't really supposed
> to be a support list. :-)
> Hope this has helped though.

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