Valentin, it's common knowledge that the object tag is problematic,
that's a browser issue though not a high priority for any framework to
fix. That is why it's described as your 'pet' problem. You could have
googled around to find this out yourself and that would have given you
a number of fixes for object related issues. Whining about it is only
keeping things off topic and wasting people's time.

On 23 sep, 02:16, Valentin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I didn't hijacked anyone's thread. This is about the upcoming
> so what I posted is directly related. The purpose of a JS library is
> to 1) provide compatibility among browsers using the same code 2)
> reduce the time the programmer has to spent to do certain tasks.
> Also in today's day IE7 has BY FAR the highest market share, and also
> the <object> tag is the XHTML requirement to presenting Java
> applications, flash objects, and the like which, now, more than ever,
> appear on Web 2.0 pages. If Prototype can't hadle these two things
> than it is missing it's point, and it's users.
> I'm not talking here about a "pet" problem, but about some fundamental
> facts. Your most basic function doesn't work on the most used browser
> with one of the most common tags in XHTML (that are called in JS
> events). Therefore you are building a house on a crappy foundation,
> and it will fall. You want to make this about me submitting or not
> submitting a bug? Really I already told you what is wrong, how to
> recreate it, so any developer of the ones that have read this topic
> could have taken the time to fix it instead of replying back 3 pages
> long of messages on how I should have done this.
> On Sep 7, 5:56 am, "T.J. Crowder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I really don't know how to submit a
> > > bug, or how to compile prototype. So if you want you can submit this
> > > yourself ...
> > Valentin, I'm not on the core team (or any Prototype team, although I
> > help moderate the user's discussion group), so I think I can say
> > this:  It's all very well complaining about bugs (in fact, hijacking
> > other peoples' threads to talk about your pet bugs), but that's not
> > constructive.  You don't know how to submit a bug report?  How hard
> > did you try to find out?  Because from, there's
> > this big tempting link labelled "Contribute" saying "Submit patches
> > and report bugs" under it.  Gosh.  And lo!, if you follow that link
> > and it tells you exactly what you do to submit a bug report, complete
> > with links and instructions.  How hard was that?  Sure, it'll take a
> > few minutes, but then again so did posting to this thread.
> > I'm not trying to be unkind, but c'mon, *everyone* working on
> > Prototype is a volunteer.  They're donating their time and we're
> > getting the benefit of their efforts.  Telling them to file your bug
> > reports for you is seriously uncool.  Take ten minutes and file your
> > own report; they've sure as heck saved you more than ten minutes with
> > their code.  I'd rather the core team and contributors spent their
> > time doing something more constructive -- like, you know, fixing the
> > problems people take the time to report properly.  Which, curiously,
> > they do.
> > --
> > T.J. Crowder
> > tj / crowder software / com
> > On Sep 6, 6:24 am, Valentin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I really seems weird that nobody in the world actually had to deal
> > > with $.update on an <object> ... I really don't know how to submit a
> > > bug, or how to compile prototype. So if you want you can submit this
> > > yourself ...
> > > On Sep 5, 7:07 pm, kangax <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > On Sep 5, 8:03 pm, Valentin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > [snip]
> > > > > Save the above piece of code in a .htm file and run it in  FIREFOX 3.0
> > > > > and IE 7. In FF 3 if we use stable code works as expeected. In
> > > > > IE 7 it fails. The problem is that I cannot extend the <object> tag
> > > > It does extend object element as far as I can see. E.g. `show`/`hide`
> > > > work as expected.
> > > > > with the $ function. It's really unbelivable that this hasn't been
> > > > > documented / fix to this date ...
> > > > <object>'s in IE are notorious for their buggy behavior. E.g. trying
> > > > to call `appendChild` (which `update` uses internally) results in an
> > > > error.
> > > > It's also a good idea to file bug reports when you encounter such
> > > > issues. It's not easy to test for all the edge-case scenarios.
> > > > --
> > > > kangax
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