That's a great list.  It's difficult to know where to stop in terms of
teaching JavaScript as opposed to teaching Prototype; to get the best
out of the latter, you're well-served understanding the former in ways
that many (most?) still don't.

Frankly, only small comments -- the list looks good as-is.  But FWIW,
I'd fiddle with the order a bit, probably subsume #6 into the other
topics, add closures, add binding, and tack $$ onto the $ discussion:

1. Master the $ and $$ Functions
2. Use instance methods to perform common tasks on elements
3. Master event observing (including delegation)
4. Push the envelope with Ajax
5. Use Enumerable to manage collections
6. Master binding
7. Treat functions like first-class objects
8. Really understand closures
9. Write class-based JavaScript
10. Have your mind blown by custom events

That list falls neatly into two categories:  Basic techniques not
requiring *too* much in terms of conceptual understanding (the first
five items), then more conceptual (and powerful) stuff (the last five
items).  I probably would have put Enumerable lower down except that
it goes well with the "basic techniques" group.

Nit-picking, "Treat functions like first-class objects" sounds as
though they aren't, but we're treating them like they are.  I'd say
the focus should be on the student learning that in JavaScript,
functions *are* first-class objects.  It's one of the most powerful
concepts in the language.

But again, all that's pretty much small stuff.
T.J. Crowder
tj / crowder software / com

On Nov 18, 5:56 am, Andrew Dupont <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm thinking about how we can flatten the learning curve. If you were
> to teach someone how to use Prototype in 10 incremental steps, what
> would they be?
> I've got only nine so far, but here they are:
> 1. Master the $ Function
> 2. Use instance methods to perform common tasks on elements
> 3. Master event observing
> 4. Push the envelope with Ajax
> 5. Use Enumerable to manage collections
> 6. Use Prototype's helper methods on built-in objects
> 7. Treat functions like first-class objects
> 8. Have your mind blown by custom events
> 9. Write class-based JavaScript
> Can you add a tenth to this list? Or do you have a completely
> different list? Let's hear it.
> Cheers,
> Andrew
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