I still have some serious reservations about this patch.

Before I dive into details, though, can someone please tell me why
we're not looking at Dean Edwards old Base2 approach[1], or John
Resig's variation on that[2]?  That general approach would seem to
offer a good trade-off between performance and usability.

... and it's that trade-off I have reservations about.  If Prototype
is going to replace the current $super technique, it's this tradeoff
that I would like to see a nice balance on.  And with all respect to
you, T.J., I don't think your solution has that. There's no question
it is more performant (woot!), but I have serious doubts about it's
overall usability.

The requirement for named function expressions (NFEs) puts a serious
crimp in developers coding style.  Having to declare the functions in
one section and then wrap them up in a returned data structure in
another... It's nice that this style works for Prototype, and I
appreciate the advantages, but it's not exactly commonplace (not that
anything is).  It'll definitely give more than one developer pause.
Can I politely suggest that maybe you guys are a bit too close to the
code and are taking the learning curve here for granted?

And having to explicitly type the name of each function 3-4 times to
define it will very quickly get tiresome.  It makes writing code
harder, and it makes refactoring it harder as well.  Which means more
prone to error;  there is still no IDE that is able to automatically
and accurately change the name of functions when declared like this.
With all the drum-beating around here about code maintainability, I'm
a little surprised to see this issue treated so lightly.

Most importantly, the syntax for invoking a supermethod, while not
quite as horrid as some others we've seen and discussed, is still not
that great.  I mean, come on, close your eyes, take a few deep
breaths, and then look at it...

    nifty.$super.call(this, spiffy)

... .vs. the current style:


... or what the Dean Edwards/John Resig style:


I know, I know, the current style has performance issues.  But for a
lot of developers a simpler, less confusing syntax will trump that.  I
suspect most will continue to use the old $super scheme, which will
make it much harder to deprecate than you might expect.  And if the
old $super scheme is gonna stick around for a while because the new
scheme "ain't good enough", than at the end of the day this new code
is just unnecessary code bloat.  Certainly Prototype itself doesn't
need it - the Ajax.* classes and Timed Observer aren't used in
situations where $super is called so often that the incremental
performance improvement will make a difference.

Sorry, I probably should have posted this before you spent your time
implementing your patch.  Still... I hope this is a constructive gut
check for folks.

- rwk

[1] http://dean.edwards.name/weblog/2006/03/base/
[2] http://ejohn.org/blog/simple-javascript-inheritance/
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