Thank you Alex!  I'll read up on your suggestion and get more
familiarized with it.  I've got another one if you don't mind, which
I've posted on a different forum:

Here's what I've been meaning to come up with:

One page. One navigation bar. Multiple links in navigation bar, say
four -- Home, Content, About, Contact -- with home as initial display
on load.

ALL of the contents is in a div in the middle.

When I click on CONTENT, a page with the "content" fades in (or slides
in) and overlaps the default content of "HOME." If I click on CONTACT,
the same thing happens, this time overlapping the previous "page"
which was CONTENT.

I managed to make individual instances of the Effect.Appear using, but my DIVs won't overlap. I tried fixing it with CSS
z-index, but it's still messed up.

On Nov 10, 8:04 pm, "Alex Mcauley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cogent : firstly stay away from onload ... use the
> Event.observe(window,'load',function() {
>     Your exeutable functiosn go in here});
> Wrapper ....
> there are a couple of ways to achieve what you want ..
> You could set a timeout on a for loop counting each of the divs in a
> classname and itterate the loop - this is probably the easiest way to do it,
> i will explain how to do the other ways if this method is not suitable for
> you..

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