Hi everyone.

I'm producing an admin control panel script in PHP. It uses our
favourite JS library to produce a tabbed interface. I have a div used
for response text which displays to the user the result of their
actions, eg, an error ("price must be a number") or success ("product
was added!").

I want that box to fade in (or some other highlighting effect) on page
load. The problem is, I have 5 of the boxes positioned, one for each
tab of the interface (depending on what the user's doing at the time).

How can I run a custom pageload function so that when the page
refreshes, it applies a fade in effect to a specific div? Ideally I'd
have a function like:

function loadBox(boxID)
      Effect.SlideDown($(boxID)); return false;

and then call it like loadBox("addProductResponse") on the relevant
tab area. Does this make sense? How can I do it?!
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