Ok, finally, I think I got it know.
For thoses who are interested, I use the "SubsDraggable" code found in
the ticket 5771, with some modifications (adapted to Prototype 1.6,
and  :

// extentions for scriptaculous dragdrop.js
function getDragElement(element)
        var el = element.cloneNode(true);
        el.id = 'sub'+element.id;
        el.style.position = 'relative';
        return el;

var SubsDraggable = Class.create(Draggable, {
    initialize: function($super, element) {
                var options = arguments[2] || {};
        if( typeof(this.options.dragelement) == 'undefined' )
this.options.dragelement = false;
        initDrag: function(event) {
                if(!Object.isUndefined(Draggable._dragging[this.element]) &&
                        Draggable._dragging[this.element]) return;
                if(Event.isLeftClick(event)) {
                        // abort on form elements, fixes a Firefox issue
                        var src = Event.element(event);
                        if((tag_name = src.tagName.toUpperCase()) && (
                                tag_name=='INPUT' ||
                                tag_name=='SELECT' ||
                                tag_name=='OPTION' ||
                                tag_name=='BUTTON' ||
                                tag_name=='TEXTAREA')) return;

                        var pointer = [Event.pointerX(event), 
                      // HERE are my modifications to calculate the
new clone position. I'm not sure if there is an easier method, but
this one seems to work.
                        var pos     = this.element.cumulativeOffset();
                        var scroll  = this.element.cumulativeScrollOffset();
                        var vpscroll= document.viewport.getScrollOffsets();
                        this.offset = [0,1].map( function(i) { return 
(pointer[i] - pos[i]
+ scroll[i] - vpscroll[i] ) });

    startDrag: function($super, event) {
      if( this.options.dragelement ){
            this._originalElement = this.element;
            this.element = this.options.dragelement(this.element);
            Position.clone(this._originalElement, this.element);
    finishDrag: function($super, event, success) {
                $super(event, success);

            this.element = this._originalElement;
            this._originalElement = null;

My draggables are now initialized like this :

new SubsDraggable('elementid', { dragElement: getDragElement, ...});


On 24 fév, 13:00, Tof <christophe.boul...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi David,
> Thanks for your answer.
> Unfortunately, setting 'Ghosting' option to true doesn't change
> anything.
> I tried to apply the patch given in ticket #5771 (http://
> dev.rubyonrails.org/ticket/5771), and now, it almost works.
> I can drag my Draggable outside the overflowed div, but, it that div
> has been scrolled, the cloned object don't have the right position,
> behind the mouse.
> There's an offset, I think, due to the offset of the original element
> in the scrolled div.
> How can I fix this ?
> Thanks a lot.
> On 24 fév, 11:58, david <david.brill...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi tof,
> > you draggables elements are contained inside parent, so when you try
> > to dragg them, they are still inside the parent contener :))
> > What you'll have to do is to use the ghost parameter that create a
> > clone of the element which don't belong to the parent contener.
> > Another way to do this is to create a callback on the "startDrag"
> > callback and detach element from it's parent, then clone it's position
> > to previous one. But with this method, you should reattach the element
> > when the "stopDrag" effect appear.
> > --
> > david
> > On 22 fév, 18:43, Tof <christophe.boul...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > I'm sure this question has already been asked, but all answers and/or
> > > patches I've found don't work for me.
> > > I have some draggables inside an overflow:auto div.
> > > When I try to drag one element, I can't drag it outside the parent
> > > div.
> > > I'm using scriptaculous 1.8.1, but I don't see any change concerning
> > > this problem in 1.8.2 Changelog.
> > > Does anybody have a solution/patch ?
> > > Thanks a lot.
> > > Regards.
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