Hi there,

First of all, I have been working now with prototype in combination
with scriptalous to create some animations on my website and it's
working great and very simple!

But, I just discovered that by including the prototype.js &
scriptalous.js, the function shown below doesn't execute properly

Debugging in Firefox gives no errors but strange behavior, and IE
gives me an error with Object not set error, this occurs on the line
"       document.getElementById(allDivs[s]).style.display = 'none';" where s
strangely alooks like to be "lastindexof".

I might get some replys with: So you do use prototype, but don't use
it for everything??? I just couldn't find a way to do the same thing
in prototype.

I hope someone can help me and thank you in advance for your help.

Jochem van Grondelle

function toggle(div)
var allDivs = new Array
document.getElementById('refterug').style.display = '';
for(s in allDivs)
        document.getElementById(allDivs[s]).style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('refempty').style.display = '';
document.getElementById('refempty').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById(div).style.display = '';
if (div == 'divreferenties') {document.getElementById
('refterug').style.display = 'none';}
else {document.getElementById('refterug').style.display = '';}


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