
> ...because parameter position
> need be string

No, it doesn't.  When you use that style of insert, you're handing it
an object (in this case, via an object literal) where the name(s) of
the property on the object dictate where the content is put.  "bottom"
is a property name, which you can either put in quotes or not.  These
two object literals are identical:

{bottom: 'blah blah blah'}

{'bottom': 'blah blah blah'}

The second one is also valid JSON (the first is not, although most
JSON parsers will let you get away with it.)

Sometimes you need to use a string for the property name, if the name
you want to use is a reserved word like 'class' or 'var'.


I found it really really really really really hard to believe that
remote desktop was the distinguishing factor, and finally got a chance
to check it, and it isn't (I can use both links directly or via RD).
I'm thinking IE security settings (like the Internet Explorer Enhanced
Security Configuration, which will amongst other things make the
"http://"; URL -- yes, really, it's blank after the // -- that
Prototype uses at load time not work), but those are just settings on
the Windows system, nothing to do with Remote Desktop.

T.J. Crowder
tj / crowder software / com
Independent Software Engineer, consulting services available

On May 29, 12:57 am, "Miguel Beltran R." <yourpa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >                $('body').insert({bottom:html});
> maybe there was an error when you did the example because parameter position
> need be string
> $('body').insert({'bottom':html}
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