On 09/17/2009 07:14 AM, david wrote:
> Hi Jason,
> the way you write it is good even in IE.
> When write " onComplete: parent_response() ", you launch the function
> at initialisation time, and the AJAX was not call, so you input is
> undefined. If you test alert(originalRequest) you should also have
> undefined.

When should this be launched, then?  I thought onComplete called the
callback function after the entire ajax call had completed, regardless
of success/failure ?

> For your trouble, what is the response text of the AJAX request ??
> you should check it too, in case xML was not recognize by IE and set
> as text.

It definitely returns XML ..  It's something like this :

  <ou name='foo' value='bar' />
  <ou name='baz' value='qux' />

The parent_response function will parse that, create what I need, and
display it.  The problem is, originalRequest doesn't seem to get set, or
if it does, it's not by what I'm expecting.

Should I call the AJAX some other way instead of via the body onload?

> --
> david
> On 16 sep, 23:26, Jason Frisvold <xenopha...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>>         I'm running into a problem with IE8 and responseXML.  Code follows :
>> var url = 'http://example.com/myfile.php';
>> function update_parent() {
>>     var root = 1;
>>     var myAjax = new Ajax.Request(url,
>>                      {
>>                         method: 'get',
>>                         parameters: {parent_id: root},
>>                         onComplete: parent_response
>>                      }
>>                                   );
>> }
>> // -------------------------------------------------------
>> function parent_response(originalRequest) {
>>     var domObj = originalRequest.responseXML;
>>     alert(domObj);
>> }
>> This is all fired off via a <body onload='update_parent'>
>> This works perfectly in Firefox.  However, in IE8, it is failing with no
>> errors.  The alert in parent_response() does not get triggered in IE8.
>> If I change the onComplete: to read :
>> onComplete: parent_response()
>> Then the alert triggers, but it pops up as undefined.  How do I properly
>> handle this so it works cross-browser?  ie, what object should I be
>> sending to get to the responseXML value?
>> Thanks,
>> --
>> ---------------------------
>> Jason Frisvold
>> xenopha...@gmail.com
>> ---------------------------
>> "I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by."
>>    - Douglas Adams
> > 

Jason Frisvold
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by."
   - Douglas Adams

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