
> I get the number 4711 in IE with $("test").innerText and in FF with $
> ("test").textContent - does Prototype provide a browser-independent
> abstraction for this?

Hopefully you get the *string* "4711" rather than the number 4711
(unless you parse it). :-)

`innerHTML` works on all major browsers. It was introduced by IE back
in v5 or so, supported by every major browser, and is now standardized
in the HTML5 stuff. Of course, it returns the HTML rather than the
text, so given:

<span id="test"><em>4711</em></span>

$('test').innerHTML will return "<em>4711</em>". If you want just the
text with the tags stripped away, Prototype adds `stripTags`[1] to the
`String` prototype, so $('test').innerHTML.stripTags() will return

If you wanted to shorten that a bit, you could add a `text` function
via Element.addMethods[2]:

    text: function(element) {
        if (!(element = $(element))) return;
        return element.innerHTML.stripTags();

(That's off-the-cuff, but I think it's correct; more on the addMethods

[1] http://api.prototypejs.org/language/string/prototype/striptags/
[2] http://api.prototypejs.org/dom/element/addmethods/

T.J. Crowder
Independent Software Consultant
tj / crowder software / com

On Apr 12, 2:05 pm, Rüdiger Plantiko <ruediger.plant...@astrotexte.ch>
> Hi there,
> is there a cross-browser function for retrieving the text content of
> an element?
> If I have an element like
> <span id="test">4711</span>
> I get the number 4711 in IE with $("test").innerText and in FF with $
> ("test").textContent - does Prototype provide a browser-independent
> abstraction for this?
> Regards,
> Rüdiger

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