Hello Sir,
         Thanks for the reply. As you said I should provide you with
more details I debugged the scripts and following is what I have

I have a DIV element <div id="CountDownPanel1"
on window.onload event I am adding 2 attributes to this DIV

Following is the code:
var objContainer = document.getElementById(strContainerID);
objContainer.setAttribute("activation_time", _cdt_GetCurrentTime() +
"");----> gets current time & adds it to the DIV as an attribute.
objContainer.setAttribute("initial_timer_value", initialValue +
"");-----> Sets initial value (20) in a new attribute to the DIV.

My timer rotates through a method called _cdt_GetRealSeconds() every
second, to get the details of the current time
following are the lines of code in  _cdt_GetRealSeconds() method:

var nActivationTime =
var nInitialValue =

Now, for the first 2 iterations the above two lines works fine but for
the third iteration my DIV object objContainer does not show all
Methods, events and properties(like OuterHTML)
but only displays methods which are defined in prototype.js like bind,
bindAsEventListener, curry, delay, defer & wrap()... No properties of
the DIV are shown in the debugger and thus var nActivationTime =
parseInt(objContainer.getAttribute("activation_time")); fails and the
following error is shown:
"Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object doesn't support this property
or method"

This is what I found out is the source of the problem. Please let me
know whats wrong and how can I make it work.
Thanks for all the help :)

Thanks and Regards

On May 24, 12:46 pm, "T.J. Crowder" <t...@crowdersoftware.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> > The issue is as soon as I add a <script> tag referring to the
> > prototype.js file, my countdown timer stops working.
> You'll have to give us more information to work with, "stops working"
> is pretty vague.
> There could be any number of reasons for this. Two high-probability
> ones that come to mind:
> * You're also using jQuery or similiar, which can create a conflict as
> both jQuery and Prototype want to use the `$` symbol. jQuery provides
> a no-conflict mode, though, to work around 
> this:http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.noConflict/
> * The count-down code is using `for..in` to loop through an array. If
> so, it's broken and needs to be fixed, more 
> here:http://proto-scripty.wikidot.com/prototype:tip-looping-through-arrays
> HTH,
> --
> T.J. Crowder
> Independent Software Consultant
> tj / crowder software / comwww.crowdersoftware.com
> On May 23, 6:55 pm, tSupreet <tare.supr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >          First of all I would like to thanks every one to provide with
> > such a nice repository of JavaScripts. I've recently downloaded your
> > package and am using it for the first time.
> > I am facing an issue though. I've a JavaScript based countdown timer
> > in a .js file. This .js file is located in the same folder where all
> > the .js files from your package are located.
> > The issue is as soon as I add a <script> tag referring to the
> > prototype.js file, my countdown timer stops working. I have tried in
> > both the Chrome and IE. The issue persists on both the browsers.
> > I tried searching but could not find the source of this problem.
> > Any help is really appreciated.
> > Thanks and Regards
> > Supreet
> > --
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> > prototype-scriptaculous+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
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> > athttp://groups.google.com/group/prototype-scriptaculous?hl=en.
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