Hi guys,

First off, here's a reference I'd like you to read so you'll
understand where I'm coming from. http://jqueryvsmootools.com/

It's written by Aaron Newton and it's about jQuery and MooTools. Short
and sweet, jQuery focuses on the DOM, and does a pretty good job with
it; and MooTools focuses on the entire JavaScript language.

Aaron's MooTools is my Prototype. I have a library that uses both
jQuery and Prototype. I'm not using Scriptaculous as jQuery can handle
most of the UI. I've been using Prototype to parse JSON and retrieve
data from external sources, and always consider using it first when I
come across something difficult to code. I have both in my library
because I wanted to be able to use widgets for both, thus netting me a
large variety of widgets and functionality from both camps.

Should I be treating Prototype similar to how Aaron views MooTools? As
an extension of the entire JavaScript language as a whole?

Does anyone have any examples of situations where Prototype provides
functionality that jQuery doesn't? Mainly, anything outside the UI.
jQuery also supports JSON usage, but by using Prototype I can not only
parse JSON but XML and other arbitrary data types as well. I wish to
re-evaluate my decision to use both in one library, especially if one
of my reasons was the usage of plugins from both camps and the other
was that Prototype and jQuery serve different purposes.

Please help me out, I always attempt to contribute my findings back to
the community and would greatly appreciate it.

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