Glad you got it "working" but FWIW,
Your understanding of the queues seems to be ok but something must be lost in 
the translation... is the Appear beginning *before* the Fade finishes if you 
use the queue?  Your original message states that it Fades (and I read that to 
mean that the Fade completes) and then Appears.  Unless something has changed 
in the library, afterFinish is fine but the queues were written for exactly 
this case.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Raphael75
Sent: Wednesday, September 01, 2010 8:43 AM
To: Prototype &
Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Re: can't get queues to work right

Thank you. I thought about trying that but I thought the queue was
supposed to do the same thing. It's ok, you solved it. :)

On Sep 1, 8:56 am, Peter De Berdt <> wrote:
> On 01 Sep 2010, at 14:34, Raphael75 wrote:
> > But isn't the queue supposed to handle that? I inserted the Fade first
> > (queue: 'front') and then the Appear (queue: 'end'). Isn't that right?
> > Or is there some other way to have the Appear wait to start until the
> > Fade is finished?
> Use the afterFinish callback like so:
> var olstext = $('olstext');
> olstext.fade({duration: 0.35, afterFinish: function()  
> { olstext.update("Some new text"); olstext.appear({duration: 0.5}); }});
> Best regards
> Peter De Berdt

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