
First of all, thanks for the answer.
I think that normally, I can't have two PeriodicalUpdate at once.
Indeed, when looking at javascript console in chrome, I see that when
the call is waiting, no other XHR is beginning.

Plus, I don't know exactly how it works behind the library, but could
it be possible that the Ajax Object waits for the end of the request
before calling the second one ?

I'm planning to move the server to another Internet connection to see
if it's a network problem.


On 6 mai, 11:58, "T.J. Crowder" <t...@crowdersoftware.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I held off posting this earlier in case someone had something more
> useful to say, but if you're using PeriodicalExecuter to fire off ajax
> requests, I think you're opening yourself to some chaotic effects,
> since you've got a timed event firing off an event that takes
> unpredictable time (the ajax request).
> If you just want to update your chat display, I'd use a chained
> `setTimeout` instead. Conceptually:
>     var chatCheckTimer = 0,
>         chatCheckPaused = false;
>     function chatCheck() {
>         chatCheckTimer = 0;
>         if (!chatCheckPaused) {
>             new Ajax.Request("your url", {
>                 // ...
>                 onComplete: scheduleChatCheck
>             });
>         }
>     }
>     function scheduleChatCheck() {
>         if (!chatCheckPaused && chatCheckTimer === 0) {
>             chatCheckTimer = setTimeout(chatCheck,
>         }
>     }
>     function enableChatCheck(flag) {
>         chatCheckPaused = !flag;
>         if (flag) {
>             // Enabled
>             if (chatChecktimer === 0) {
>                 chatCheck();
>             }
>         }
>         else {
>             // Disabled
>             if (chatCheckTimer !== 0) {
>                 cancelTimeout(chatCheckTimer);
>                 chatCheckTimer = 0;
>             }
>         }
>     }
> Kick the process off with a call to either `chatCheck` or
> `scheduleChatCheck`, whatever makes more sense for your page.
> Doing it that way, you *know* there will never be more than one
> outstanding chat check ajax call; chaos is reigned in.
> You might also implement your own timeout; if an ajax call lasts
> longer than X seconds, assume a timeout, try to abort it (possible on
> some browsers), and even if it completes, ignore the result. (You do
> this with an ever-increasing call ID; you make your `onSuccess`
> function a closure over the ID [a copy of it local to the `chatCheck`
> function, not the global one] and have it check that the local and
> global IDs match when `onSuccess` is called, disregarding the result
> if not.)
> --
> T.J. Crowder
> Independent Software Engineer
> tj / crowder software / com
> www / crowder software / com
> On May 6, 9:26 am, Julien Lenne <tyrsen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi !
> > As nobody seems to be looking or have an idea, here is the source code
> > of the page :
> >http://kraml.fr/lib/js/chat.js
> > It seems that when being @home with 2 computers (on an Internet box)
> > on the website, it "crashes" more often.
> > Here are my ideas of what is being happening, if it reminds someone of
> > anything :
> > - Network problem, the call doesn't get to the host but gives no error
> > (fiber connection)
> > - Server problem (OS), that wouldn't accept too many connections from
> > the same IP (seems strange to me)
> > - Server problem (Apache), for the same reason, but it seems less
> > strange in this case
> > Please let me know if you have an idea about this,
> > Regards,
> > Julien.
> > On 4 mai, 09:40, Julien Lenne <tyrsen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hi there again !
> > > New debugs showed me that the php file wasn't even called.
> > > I heard there could be limits on the number of concurrent ajax calls,
> > > is it true ?
> > > I think that to test it, I'm going to stop my periodicalupdater before
> > > an request and restart it right after, but it seems to me a bit weird.
> > > Has Prototype.js an existing process to prevent this ?
> > > Thanks in advance,
> > > Regards,
> > > Me.
> > > On 3 mai, 10:04, Julien Lenne <tyrsen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > Hello there !
> > > > It's been a (little) year since I've started using prototype.js. It's
> > > > really great and it simplifies my dev life a lot !
> > > > I use it to develop a chat application (www.kraml.fr) and I use the
> > > > PeriodicalUpdater to retrieve the new events.
> > > > But, somehow, it happens that the call never retrieves the answer from
> > > > the server, even if in Apache log I see that the page has been called
> > > > by that user.
> > > > For now, I try to escape the problem by putting a timeout on the call
> > > > (from a script found on the web), but to avoid loosing information, I
> > > > have to send a receipt, which is slowing my app, and is not really
> > > > reliable as it can "pend" as the periodical call.
> > > > I don't think it comes from the prototype library, but I thought
> > > > people could have had an idea or even had the same problem. I'm
> > > > looking actually at the PHP sessions, but am not really sure it has
> > > > something to do with it.
> > > > Thanks in advance,
> > > > Regards,
> > > > Julien. (tyrsensei onwww.kraml.frifyouwantto test on live)

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