
If you haven't heard already, we're compiling zoning horror stories. We've already heard dozens and would like to get at least 100.

You'll all heard them before or personally know someone that's involved
with one. :(

You know, stories like the ones you already read here at:


We're going to use some on the website. We'll remove any personally identifiying information unless you give us permission to include it.

Tell us about how zoning laws were wielded as a weapon against you or
someone you know.  Or how someone is causing a problem by getting
through a loophole in the ordinances.  We want to hear from all sides of
the issues.

Please send them to me by this weekend (Sunday, Sep. 18th at the latest).
If you have questions, please call me at 356-1032. Will you please include your phone number so I can call you if there's questions?

Thanks again,

Roger Brown
Chairman, ProvoCitizens.net

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