Novas que nos afectan

Mozilla acaba de contratar aos desenvolvedores de Pootle para mellorar o Pootle

Espérase, cando menos

- Cleaner nicer UI - you can get an feel for the new UI at our beta
site: front page, translation
- Better VC integration - Pootle was one of the first online
translation tools to integrate with version control. But we want to do
it better.
- Translation Memory (TM) - Pootle will link with Amagama, Translate's
TM server, to return translation matches from all FOSS projects. (Some
rather unsexy JSON results for the Afrikaans translation of Computer

Que eu saiba tócanos

LibO, AOO, todo Mozilla, Translate Toolkit... seguirei a nova a ver
Proxecto mailing list

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