Por se acaso alguén non se entera disto e nembargantes quere colaborar neste
esforzo iniciando a traducción ó galego ou axudando nalgúnha outra linguaxe,
pois aqui tedes ;-)

----- Forwarded message from Michael Bramer <gr...@debian.org> -----

From: Michael Bramer <gr...@debian.org>
Subject: The Debian Description Translation Server
To: debian-devel-annou...@lists.debian.org, d...@debian.org
List-Post: proxecto@trasno.net
Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2001 07:34:31 +0200
Mail-Followup-To: debian-de...@lists.debian.org

Hello all

We have started the Debian Description Translation Server. 

We start the translating of all package description and the server
support now four languages (de, fr, it and pt_BR).

The server started 9 weeks ago with german and the other languages started
1-2 Weeks ago. The German translation group has now translated 20% of
all Package descriptions from sid/main/binary-i386. The other
languages are at the beginning and need more help. 

How can you help?

You can translate some descriptions. Send a mail to
with the subject
        GET 1 <langpostfix> 
(substitute '<langpostfix>' with de, fr, it or pt_BR)

The server will send you a guide with more information and one
untranslated description. Read the guide, translate the description
and send it back.

How can I start a new language?

Now the server support only this four languages. If you will start a
new languages, ask gr...@debian.org

How can we use this translations?

We have set up  aptable translated Packages files. Add to
deb http://gluck.debian.org/~grisu/description_translation/aptable 
<langpostfix>/woody main
(or sid or potato ...)

Now we have only i386 Packages files. On request I can translate more
Packages files.

Is more help needed?


We need help to:
 - move the translated Packages files to ftp-master and the mirrors
 - patch APT (with a option, that download Package-<langpostfix>
 - maybe add real multilanguages support to APT and co.

Michael Bramer  -  a Debian Linux Developer http://www.debian.org
PGP: finger gr...@db.debian.org  -- Linux Sysadmin   -- Use Debian Linux
"Der Informationsgehalt einer Website verhält sich umgekehrt proportional
 zur Ladezeit." -- unbekannte Quelle, aber oft wahr

----- End forwarded message -----

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