
 Participants of the Proxecto Trasno's mailing list saw that the flag
accompanying the Galician language is not the Galician flag, but the flag of
Greenland. That happened because the ISO 639-1 code for the Galician
language is the same as the ISO 3166-1 code for Greenland.

 The Galician flag can be seen at 

 I also saw a lot of mismatched languages/flags. Probably because country
codes were used in place of language codes. For example,

 Afrikaans (af): has the old flag of Afghanistan (af). It is actually spoken
in South Africa (za) and Namibia (na).

 Basque (eu): has the flag of the European Union (eu). It is spoken in the
Basque Country. The flag is at 

 Belarusian (be): has the flag of Belgium (be). It is actually spoken in
Belarus (by).

 Bengali (bn): has the flag of Brunei (bn). It is actually spoken in
Bangladesh (bd) and parts of India (in).

 Bosnian (bs): has the flag of the Bahamas (bs). It is spoken in Bosnia &
Herzegovina (ba).

 Czech (cs): I don't know whose flag it has, but it is spoken in the Czech
Republic (cz).

 ... and more.

   Jacobo TarrĂ­o     |     http://jacobo.tarrio.org/

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