Esta mensaxe anuncia a conxelación das mensaxes das versión en
desenvolvimento de KDE4, a futura 4.4.
Isto déixanos todo decembro e máis xaneiro por diante para ir
revisando e completando as traducións.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Albert Astals Cid
Date: 2009/11/12
Subject: [IMPORTANT] Preparing for KDE 4.4
To: KDE i18n-doc <>

Hi all, the message freeze for KDE 4.4 is comming in 13 days, so some new
strings are still allowed in, but i think message should be stabilizyng quite
a lot now (unless we find untranslatable messages) in all KDE released

As always defines if your
language is to be released with KDE 4.4 or not.

According to the
KDE 4.4 tag day is 3rd of February (about three months from now) so you should
have things commited by 1st of Febryary or earlier so scripty has the chance
to merge .desktop files back.

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