Into the wee hours, we kept on doing stuff.

* Gavin and Andrew wired up the FDT custom Uninterruptible Power Supply
without melting any fingers in the process.  I'm sure it was much safer
than it sounded.
* David(?) fired up the Geiger counter on picam2 and received data!  So
we have another cool thing that is ready for launch.
* Kenny set up Splunk on the NUC and configured ground based systems to
do remote logging.  It even integrates with Nagios so when something
goes down, the Splunk search for that host/service is a click away.
* Theo and Jamey hacked on GPS stuff
  + The STM32 which controls the MAX2769 (GPS baseband receiver) now
dynamically configures the MAX according to instructions received by
debug scripts so we can test all the configurations we want without
reprogramming the STM32 each time.
  + Python test scripts were overhauled to send our best known
configuration to the MAX2769 and take a short sample.  Even more magic
was added to automate testing many different configurations.
  + Kenny joined the party to help transmit a sweeping sine wave +/-
2MHz around GPS baseband using HackRF.  Samples received from the
MAX2769, converted and viewed in baudline showed the same sweeping sine
wave (with noise and other artifacts).  This turned out to be a good way
to test poorly documented configuration settings and lay to rest
bit-order questions.
  + After running through all the settings and deciding we understood
most of them to be what they should be, the correlator still wasn't able
to pick up anything in an outdoor test.
  + Jamey said we could fly with this configuration and probably figure
out how to tease satellites out of the logged data later.  It is
starting to look like the MAX2769 configuration is about as good as it
can get.  We just need to look at the data harder.
  + For fun, Kenny collected a larger sample outside from the MAX2769,
returned to the basement while converting it for GNURadio, played it
back through the HackRF in transmit mode and watched to see if the
nearby COTS GPS receiver could lock.  No position lock, but I wasn't
watching the data stream to see if it was able to see any satellites at
all.  Some attenuators and a direct connection might help.

Other people did stuff too!  Like rebuilding an RCS controller board and
ordering parts.  I didn't keep track of all the cool things so please
correct my fumbles and add your news.


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