"The European Commission's enterprise and industry department has just
released the final draft of what could be the biggest academic
interdisciplinary study on the economic / innovative impacts of
free/libre/open source software (1.8-MB PDF). The study was done by an
international consortium led by the United Nations University /
University of Maastricht. The lead researcher, Rishab Aiyer Ghosh, has
overseen a large volume of FLOSS studies in the last few years,
including ones on FLOSS policies and worldwide FLOSS adoption. This
academic-grade study has a very broad scope and has collected
real-world information that is valuable for both companies and
government bodies thinking about migration. The study is about the
economic impact of FLOSS, not excluding the hidden indirect impact. It
compares scenarios of open and proprietary software futures of Europe.
The study looks at the FLOSS's competitiveness compared to proprietary
software and also provides a few TCO comparison case-studies."

Da conclusão do estudo:

"Our findings show that, in almost all the cases, a transition toward
open source reports of savings on the long term costs of ownership of
the software products."

"Our findings report no particular delays or lost of time in the daily
work due to the use of"


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