Desse jeito o iPad tem que ser rebatizado para iPaid (eu paguei).

2010/1/28 <>:
> Dear supporter,
> Today, Apple launched a computer that will never belong to its owner. Apple
> will use Digital Restrictions Management (DRM) to gain total veto power over
> the applications you use and the media you can view.
> We've launched a petition calling out Apple's new product for what it is: a
> frightening step backward for computing and for media distribution. Can you
> read it, sign it, and share with friends?
> Also, when you've signed, please take the time to share the petition on
> sites like and Reddit:
> Defective by Design's John Sullivan is on the ground at the Apple event with
> a group of protesters, letting the public and journalists know about the
> "Restriction Zone" Apple is constructing around their products. We'll be
> posting images from the event throughout the day, so sign the petition and
> please check back frequently and help us circulate these images.
> This summer we saw the dangers of DRM on ebook readers, when Amazon deleted
> hundreds of copies of George Orwell's 1984 from readers' computers while
> they slept. Applying this control to a general purpose computer marketed
> especially for media distribution is a huge step backward for computing, and
> a blow to the media revolution that happened when the web let bloggers reach
> millions without asking for permission.
> DRM and forced updates will give Apple and their corporate partners the
> power to disable features, restrict competition, censor news, and even
> delete books, videos, or news stories from users' computers while they
> sleep-- using the device's "always on" network connection.
> Apple can say they will not abuse this power, but their record of App Store
> rejections gives us no reason to trust them. The Apple Tablet's
> unprecedented use of DRM to control all capabilities of a general purpose
> computer is a dangerous step backward for computing and for media
> distribution; we demand that Apple remove DRM from the device.
> Thank you for your support!
> Sincerely, Holmes Wilson, Matt Lee, Deborah Nicholson, Peter Brown and John
> Sullivan -- the DRM Elimination Team
> --
> isabela fernandes bagueros
> 415.887.7690 tel
> 415.283.5285 cel
> san francisco, california
> north by south international
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Pablo Santiago Sánchez
Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas Web
Zend Certified Engineer #ZEND006757
(61) 9975-0883
"Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur"
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