Honestly, at this point, I may really get my ass kicked for saying this, but 
I've actually been hearing this for more than a year.  Almost now, 2! years.  I 
know Slau said it would get fixed, but I keep hearing deadline months, 
November, end of this year, 3 more months, 1 more month, whatever, and it never 
gets done.  I think that Slau's intentions are good.  I think he means well, 
but frankly at this point, they say they're gonna make it work.  Honestly, I'll 
believe it when I see it, at this point.

Enough said.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Chris Smart 
  To: ptaccess@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, September 07, 2015 2:31 PM
  Subject: Re: Ilok and Finally Started Pro Tools for the first time!

  Pace Anti-piracy are the people behind iLok. They have been aware of our 
difficulties in using their License manager software for some time now, some 
time being at least a year! I keep hearing that progress towards an accessible 
solution is being made.  I sure hope so. *sigh* 

  At 03:48 AM 9/7/2015, you wrote:


    Ilok isn't from Avid, it is a service that use  we should contact  those 
guys about the accessibility  


    -Peter Durieux

    > Op 7-sep.-2015 om 00:49 heeft Christopher-Mark Gilland 
<clgillan...@gmail.com> het volgende geschreven:
    > Rui,
    > I can't say that I can agree with you more if I tried.  Absolutely ditto 
to what you're saying about the ILok inaccessibility.  It's ridiculous!
    > Chris.
    > ----- Original Message ----- From: "Rui Vilarinho" <ruia...@hotmail.com>
    > To: <ptaccess@googlegroups.com>
    > Sent: Sunday, September 06, 2015 6:30 PM
    > Subject: Ilok and Finally Started Pro Tools for the first time!
    >> Hi, concerning the iLok and Pro Tools The issue was resolved. For any 
reason the person I asked indeed wasnt able to drag and drop the licenses to 
the iLok. But now I'm sure it worked because Pro Tools alowd to insert my user 
name plus password.
    >> This iLokPro Tools  license procedure it's incomprehensibly  
unnecessary! Actually, exist the contradiction of Avid developer investing on 
the Pro Tools accessibility, which we must congratulate, but  allowing this 
hole to the blind client to fall down is just not understandable.
    >> I cant understand why the license manager must be totally unaccessible! 
This drags a Pro Tools   blind client  to a very unconfortable start.
    >> Well, a hard start will make me stronger, believe me, I lerned a lot. 
grin .
    >> Thanks, couldnt understand it  without your kind knoledgte share. Rui 
    >> -- 
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    > -- 
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