Hi Peter, may I suggest a different work around? You can go to import which is (Command, Shift I) then navigate to the folder you're files are in. Assuming they're all in one folder use (VO Home) to go to the top of the list or use first letter navigation for a specific file. You can then use the arrows to quickly scroll through the intros of the files as you've been doing. When you find the file you want simply press enter, Command W and enter twice. The file will now be placed on its own track provided you haven't changed any defaults. All you have to do is press (Command Shift I) again to go right back to where you were. I once had over 2000 files to go through for beds and the client wasn't sure where anything was. I had 50 correct files in the session in less than 5 minutes going through all 2000 intros.

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