Hi Slau!

Thank you for the files.

My current "problem" is that I realized phase issues when listening back to 
guitar recordings.
One track recorded via mic and another via di.

When now phase shifting one of those tracks the low frequencies are represented 
much better.

So I'm thinking about if this is the normal physic - the mic signal takes 
longer to be recorded than than the di signal.
Or is one of the stages between my guitar and the track in pro tools phase 

Guitar pre amp out, cable from guitar into the di, the di, the xlr cable into 
the patchbay, the patchbay, the xlr cable into the soundcard.
Or maybe a stage on the mic side...
Or both? :-)

For sorting this out I was searching for some tools.

Talking to sighted people they zoom into the desired tracks by 100 % and 
compare the waveforms.
So they can see if the shifting is 90 degrees or something else.
Then they move the two tracks exactly that way, that their waveforms are 

Using the phase shifting tool in e.g. the 7 band eq always shifts by 90 degrees.
Better than nothing but maybe to much.

I hope that you could understand my thoughts.

Best! / Martin
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ptaccess@googlegroups.com [mailto:ptaccess@googlegroups.com]
> On Behalf Of Slau Halatyn
> Sent: Sunday, July 2, 2017 8:41 PM
> To: ptaccess@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: Cable- signaltest
> While it's certainly a good idea to be able to recognize phase issues while in
> front of monitor speakers, it's sometimes necessary to verify phase from
> across the room while possibly adjusting things like cables, speaker wire, 
> etc.
> In those cases, it's handy to have files that will play back left channel 
> versus
> right channel, both in phase and out of phase. When I lived in London, I met
> Alan Parsons at an APRS show and he gave me a CD he and a colleague
> produced called "Soundcheck." While the files are obviously 16-bit, they're
> nevertheless handy as utilities. There are 99 tracks on the disc including a
> bunch of music files. I've taken the first 59 files and thrown them into a
> folder. Grab it here:
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/weiz6cfwmdduga0/Soundcheck%20reference
> %20tones.zip?dl=1
> <https://www.dropbox.com/s/weiz6cfwmdduga0/Soundcheck reference
> tones.zip?dl=1>
> I'll keep it up there for a week or so.
> Slau
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