-----Original Message-----
From: David Kidd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Saturday, 17 October 1998 5:07 AM
Subject: Re: One Nation

>Albert wrote:
>>One Nation is currently the only significant party that genuinely
>>opposes both the ALP and the Coalition.
>i.e. they support the core position of Neither
>>The widespread celebration of the fact that One Nation won no seats in
>>the House of Representatives will also be used as an argument against
>>Neither's campaign for PR.
>By Neither's enemies maybe; not by One Nation
>>We cannot oppose the "two party state" and support PR without admitting
>>that this does indeed mean we support One Nation being fully represented
>>along with the Democrats, Greens and other minor parties in a
>>representative House of Representatives.
>>That makes it all the more important for Neither to clearly oppose One
>>Nation and add them to the list of parties to put equal last, despite
>>their (anticipated) support for PR.
>Bullshit Albert! Surely it is possible for intelligent people to agree to
>work together on some things without necessarily agreeing on everything.
>may be difficult to get the media to draw the distinction, but that is
>scarcely good reason for alienating a lot of people who are potential
>in achieving your core objective.
>If it is going to be Neither's policy to join the gang opposing One Nation
>you can take me off this mailing list now, and you can say goodbye to
>another supporter.

Dave, Dave, keep a cool head man; I support your position BUT, do not leave
the camp just yet. I can live with all kinds of people with differing views
PROVIDED they do not try to pass any laws to try to change my way of doing
things. I can live with a Jew, but be buggered if he will forbid me to eat
pig; I can live with a Muslim, but stuff praying on a mat to some spook
merely because some bloody Mullah says so; I can even live with a black
Uniting Church poofter, but my bum is my own to do what I like with, and
stuff his silly god as well. I believe in Article X of the Bill of No
Rights, which states: ARTICLE X: You do not have the right to happiness.
Being an
American means that you have the right to pursue happiness -
which by the way, is a lot easier if you are unencumbered by an
overabundance of idiotic laws created by those of you who were
confused by the Bill of Rights.

Hang in there man, if we do not beat the elected dictatorship in Canberra,
the gestapo will obliterate all opposition like good ole Joe Stalin did too!
We must have the option to vote the bloody lot out, or we will have small
interest groups imposing their dumb belief systems on all of us - you see it
happening now; every dick head fanatic wants laws passed to make everyone
conform to their dick head fanatical ideas. Some do not own a gun, so they
reckon no one should; well stuff them, their dick head fanatical laws have
increased gun ownership. Do-Gooders do more harm than good if they are ever
allowed to get laws passed, so the rest of us need the power to vote them
out, out, out, before they ever get in mate!

>David Kidd   Webmaster http://dkd.net     E-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Maryborough, Queensland 4650, Australia   Phone (07) 4122 1120
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