On 4/12/11 11:16 AM, glenn mcdonald wrote:

    Stop quibbling, contribute a solution.

As you know, but others might not, I work on www.needlebase.com <http://www.needlebase.com>, a graph-database project incubated at ITA and due to become part of Google any hour now. It takes a somewhat different approach to data representation and data curation than the RDF/OWL/SPARQL stack. It's free for personal uses and has free trials for commercial uses, so anybody is welcome to find out whether it's suited for their particular problems.

Post a link showing how it solves the problems you've gripped about without the data living in a silo. By this I mean, the data presentation pages and data sources should be loosely coupled. In addition, your Data Object Identifiers should resolve to Referent Representation (description graphs) via URLs. You do that and I'll retract my "silo" tag :-)

If you have a dataset fix for Danny's problems (or any others you've stumbled across along the way) do share via a URL.



Kingsley Idehen 
President&  CEO
OpenLink Software
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