Making a static declaration of a <feature> to indicate to the UA which APIs to make available to a widget is already used in existing widget and gadget implementations; requestFeature() isn't.

For example, here is the definition used by Google, and implemented in Shindig:

Gadget Features. A list of all gadget features that are either required for the gadget to operate, or may optionally be utilized if available. Gadget features are the primary extensibility mechanism employed by gadgets. They often direct a gadget server to make new JavaScript APIs available to rendering code, but may also manipulate the gadget's contents, for example to add extended syntax. Examples of gadget features include OpenSocial (provides gadgets with a rich set of social APIs), dynamic-height (enables gadgets to resize themselves to an appropriate height), and tabs (a UI library facilitating tabular navigation).

We use a similar definition in relation to Widgets.

We specifically use <feature> for indicating to the UA to make shared state handling available and active, and plan to use it to indicate whether we should provide oAuth capability for a given widget. If this element were not in the specification, we'd have to create an extension that did the same thing anyway.

The BONDI requirement is to dynamically add APIs once a Widget has already been instantiated. This may not suit some implementations. For example, our implementation has no way of dynamically injecting APIs into a Widget instance while it is already running; if BONDI wishes to require this capability of implementations this is not in the scope for Widgets. Currently the Widget A&E spec makes no claim that Widget UAs must be able to dynamically load additional functionality on request.

If a given UA implemented BONDI and a Widget chooses to use its requestFeature() method, then in that instance for that Widget, <feature> may be redundant. However, for Widgets not created specifically for BONDI that are used in a BONDI UA, this is not an issue; <feature> works fine and is not affected by the existance of the BONDI getFeature() extension. Also for UAs that support Widgets but not BONDI extensions, it is not an issue that the extension exists.

Personally I don't really see a good UC for requestFeature(), but its proposed as a BONDI extension and not a W3C Widgets A&E feature, so I support Marcos' position that we let it be.


On 9 Jun 2009, at 10:58, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

On Tue, 09 Jun 2009 11:32:49 +0200, Marcos Caceres <> wrote:
Like I said, as far as WebApps is concerned requestFeature() does not
exists. What I meant was the requestFeature() undermines <feature>
without addressing the security issues.

I'm getting more and more confused. You claim you do not understand requestFeature(). You claim requestFeature() makes <feature> useless. You claim requestFeature() is irrelevant with respect to <feature>. And now you claim requestFeature() is less secure than <feature>.

I do not get at all the feeling that this feature is ready for standardization.

Anne van Kesteren

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