On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 22:07, Hallvord R. M. Steen <hallv...@opera.com>wrote:

> Should our implementation work harder to keep what we promise in
> clipboardData.items, or should we be content that such timing issues will be
> so rare that throwing is fine? After all, most applications manipulate the
> clipboard only in response to user input, which is a pretty modal source of
> events, and by definition the paste event will fire in response to user
> input within the document..
I think it's fine to simply throw as this typically happens in response to a
user action.

> Also, I'm not sure if we should process any HTML data on the clipboard
> (including possibly adding images and embedded content to
> clipboardData.items) before firing the paste event, or do so only if the
> script calls getData('text/html') within the paste event thread. Implementor
> feedback welcome!

Ideally we shouldn't manipulate any data until it's been requested by the
page, since reading data off the clipboard is a potentially slow operation.

> --
> Hallvord R. M. Steen, Core Tester, Opera Software
> http://www.opera.com http://my.opera.com/hallvors/

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