On 12/23/2011 06:37 PM, Arthur Barstow wrote:
Hi All,

I've been thinking a bit about realistic expectations for 2012 for those
specs that are already in scope in the WG's current charter (complete
spec list is at [PubStatus]).

Below is a list (in alphabetical order) of what I consider the WG's
higher priority specs including my expectations for the new year and
some related open tasks for the specs. One criteria for putting
something on the list is the spec's relative maturity i.e. has at least
one LC been published and/or is there already some implementation.
Maturity level is relevant because the WG's IP commitments are not
finalized until a spec reaches the Recommendation status.

* CORS (WD) - address open bugs; publish LCWD; create comprehensive test
suite; this spec needs some tutorial/primer/how-to type documentation

* DOM 3 Events (LCWD) - complete LC#2 comment processing; publish new
LCWD; if clear implementation commitment from at least Mozilla and
Microsoft, move the spec to CR

* File API (WD) - address open bugs; integrate Microsoft's Stream API
move to feature complete and publish LCWD; start test suite
The Stream API also impacts the XMLHttpRequest spec, right? And potentially WebSockets (if you would like to send a Stream over a WS), or have I got it wrong?


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